From the Field Together for humanity: Empowering local heroes
Local leadership and community-driven responses yield immense transformative power. Countless individuals and organizations work on the ground, often in challenging conditions, to provide immediate relief and drive sustainable recovery. Local heroes are not just first responders; they are cultural experts, community connectors and resilience builders who understand their people’s unique needs.
In the News The Sudan crisis: One year later
It's been one year since violence erupted in Sudan and led to a devastating displacement crisis. Learn all about what's been happening in the region since then.
In the News Spreading hope during crisis in Haiti
Lesly Michaud, Program Director of World Vision Haiti shares more about the humanitarian crisis in the country.
From the Field The first 72 hours: How we respond in a disaster
When disaster strikes, World Vision’s local and global staff are quick to the scene. They provide emergency help and supplies to save lives.
In the News Hurricanes and tropical storms: an explainer
Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons cause the greatest damage in the world’s most impoverished regions. And because of climate change, they’re only getting worse.
From the Field How children are coping with the crisis in Ukraine
In Ukraine, psychosocial support is helping displaced and traumatized children cope with the trauma of violent conflict.
In the News How recovery from the Türkiye-Syria earthquakes can support gender equality
Women are often left behind in disaster responses. Here’s how gender equality can be at the centre of earthquake recovery in Turkiye and Syria.
From the Field The global hunger crisis hinders the right to nutrition for the most vulnerable
The global hunger crisis is pushing the most vulnerable women and children into starvation. See how World Vision is responding.
In the News What is climate change? Facts and figures
Learn more about key facts, causes and effects of climate change, and ongoing solutions to climate crisis.
From the Field How the Türkiye-Syria earthquakes have worsened the situation in Syria
From mental health to child protection, here is why the Türkiye-Syria earthquakes are a crisis on top of another crisis.
In the News Who are climate refugees – and how can we help them?
Climate refugees – or climate migrants – grow in number each year. While we all experience the effects of climate change, some groups suffer disproportionately. These include women and children in the most vulnerable regions in the world. Here’s how to help.
From the Field These women work in dangerous places—and they love what they do
Storytellers Josephine, Lucy, and Andreea all work in different countries, but share something in a common: a love for humanitarian work.
In the News Three ways climate change devastates children’s futures
The climate crisis impacts those who contribute the least to the problem. Here are three major ways children are impacted by climate change.
From the Field Humanitarian aid: what you need to know
‘Humanitarian aid’ or ‘humanitarian assistance’ is emergency help for people in some of the world’s most desperate situations. Learn how you can support relief efforts.
In the News Haiti Earthquake 2021: Emergency relief and rebuilding
A 7.2-magnitude earthquake has devastated southwestern Haiti. The disaster exacerbates the extreme poverty and political instability that the Haitian people have sustained for decades.
In the News Rohingya refugees struggle to rebuild after massive fire leaves thousands homeless
In a matter of hours, refugee families watched their makeshift homes go up in flames – remnants of what they had built since being forced to flee their homes four years earlier.
In the News COVID-19 crisis in India: the race to save lives
The second wave in India is a sign that the pandemic battleground is shifting primarily to developing countries.
Change Makers Tony Rinaudo: Forest maker, famine fighter
Tony Rinaudo, World Vision’s chief climate action advisor, sees the hunger crisis unfolding in East Africa as a chance to implement long-term environmental solutions that could eliminate famine completely.
Voices Climate change is forcing children into degrading work
The impacts of climate change in vulnerable communities around the world are driving children like Cavo to seek sex work and other degrading work to survive.
In the News Millions pushed toward starvation in East Africa
COVID-19, conflict and climate change has pushed more than 7 million people across six countries in East Africa to the very edge of starvation.
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