
Your voice is powerful. It can move mountains. Unleash the power of your voice for child advocacy.


Your voice is powerful. It can move mountains. Unleash the power of your voice for child advocacy.


Your voice is powerful. It can move mountains. Unleash the power of your voice for child advocacy.

Join Canadians across the country in creating a better world for children, families and communities through policy work and poverty advocacy.

Advocacy is speaking up for people facing a problem or challenge and making sure their voices are heard. It's calling others to be part of the answer and working to find solutions that deal not only with the symptoms, but with the causes underneath.

There could be so many ‘quick fixes’ – but they wouldn’t last. Partnering with communities, we help them become stronger, healthier and more resourceful than before. Parents can provide for their children today and have reason to dream for the future.

Together, we create hope that endures for generations to come.

A child peaks from behind a broken fence.

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A child labourer in the water holds a net containing fish over the edge of a boat.

No Child for Sale

Every day, millions of children go to work in dirty, dangerous and degrading jobs. Join us in the fight to end child slavery.

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A girl looks into the camera.

1,000 Day Journey

Get a rare glimpse into the world of development work as we partner with the Canadian government to improve the lives of moms and children in 5 different countries. 

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Want to learn more about poverty advocacy and standing up for children’s rights?

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Refugee voices at the table Be part of a movement that uses the power of your voice to change children’s lives.
Supply chain legislation: A first step in fighting child labour in Canada Be part of a movement that uses the power of your voice to change children’s lives.
Ukraine crisis: What’s happening and how is World Vision responding? Be part of a movement that uses the power of your voice to change children’s lives.