Fatehpur Area Program

Program Type

Community Development

Planned Life Cycle

2009 - 2024



Areas of Focus

Education | Health

Program Timeline

Status: Active


5,845people participated in activities aimed at supporting child protection and ending violence against children


5,812children and youth participated in groups and clubs, gathering with peers to develop new skills and positive values


5,597children attended early childhood development centres

A white jeep driving through a muddy path, featuring a rainbow and trees in the background.

Program Details


The Fatehpur community is located in one of the poorest districts in Uttar Pradesh; India's most populous state, and one of its poorest. The region is generally flat, with a subtropical continental climate that varies between the dry conditions of western India and the hot, humid weather of the Ganga in the north. People living here are mostly Hindu.

Life can be short and uncertain in this rural community. The effects of unemployment and chronic poverty are evident, with widespread child labour and poor health among the main concerns. Most families in Fatehpur rely on subsistence agriculture, but incomes are extremely low. Nearly half the houses are temporary, one-room structures, which make families highly vulnerable during monsoon the season.

The Indian constitution guarantees the right to free and compulsory education up to age 14, but the cost of uniforms and supplies puts education out of reach for many families in Fatehpur. Many parents cannot provide for their children's basic needs, and there is no choice but for children to leave school and work to boost family income.

The literacy rate among girls is less than 35%. This is because many marry very young or work as domestic or agricultural labourers instead of attending school. Where primary school is accessible, the quality of instruction is often poor and there are not always enough qualified teachers.

Health Care
A lack of immunization coverage, widespread anemia, low birth weights, and poor nutrition are major concerns for children in Fatehpur. Infant mortality is higher than the national average (72 deaths per 1,000 births) and tuberculosis and malaria are on the rise.

Long distances to health centres, poorly maintained roads, and a lack of trained staff and medical supplies deter people from seeking necessary treatment.

Water and Sanitation
Drinking water is supplied by wells fitted with hand pumps, but most of the pumps are inoperable and the water quality is poor. This has led to a high prevalence of waterborne diseases. Without a proper collection system, human waste is discharged directly into open fields, compromising hygiene.

Economic Development
Only about one-tenth of farmers in in Fatehpur are thriving. The rest are landless, marginal, or small-scale farmers. Their efforts to provide for their families are impeded by a reliance on traditional methods, a lack of irrigation, frequent drought, and an irregular supply of seeds and fertilizers for growing wheat, rice, cereals, and legumes.

In many cases, farmers are forced to seek work as day labourers, but their average income is less than $1 a day, which still isn't enough to provide nutritious food for their families on a daily basis.
An image of children sitting on the ground in a classroom, writing in workbooks.


Unless otherwise stated, data presented on this page reflects the most up-to-date results of World Vision Canada programs reported between October 2022 and September 2023, and any previous fiscal years available. Previously reported data may not match the current presentation as we continuously receive and refine data from our programs. If you have any questions, kindly reach out to us.