East Manggarai Area Program

Program Type

Community Development

Planned Life Cycle

2016 - 2026



Areas of Focus

Health | Child Protection and Participation

Program Timeline

Status: Active


1,011youth participated in life skills training through World Vision programs


661people had access to safe drinking water


604people had access to handwashing facilities at home or school

A white jeep driving through a muddy path, featuring a rainbow and trees in the background.

Program Details


The fledgling community of East Manggarai formally came about in 2007 as part of the Greater Manggarai District. It is home to more than 260,000 people, 63% of who rely on agriculture for income. As a younger area, the community is focused on developing government offices and infrastructure. The need to expand social services and the economy are largely overlooked, leaving parents with few alternative ways to provide for their families.

The community is also considered disaster prone, with threats of landslides, typhoons, tsunamis and even earthquakes. A nearby volcano is still active and poses a volatile threat. In East Manggarai, all decisions made regarding the community are reached through consensus. This is also true of decision-making at the village level. Strong community leaders are critical to these discussions as their influence can sway the outcomes.

Improving access to quality education in East Manggarai is a chief concern. Teachers have limited training and often feel underequipped to create an active, engaging and effective learning environment. There are few resources available to help students develop life skills and values that will serve them well later on.

Children struggle to succeed in school. For those enrolled, there can be little encouragement from home to prioritize their studies. Often, students end up distracted and disinterested in class. For those who are motivated, poverty can limit their opportunities for higher education. Advanced institutions are often in the city, forcing students to either travel far distances or move and absorb the higher cost of living.

Economic Development
Many parents in the community struggle to earn a living and support their children with life's necessities. Often a result of their own limited opportunities to learn, many do not have a strong understanding of managing household finances and budgeting for their future.

In the community, women alone are expected to take care of their families, but are not empowered to determine how and when money should be spent. Without access to funds, mothers can't buy medicine or ingredients to prepare nutritious meals. In contrast, men are free to spend income however they choose.

Child Protection
The protection of children and children's rights in East Manggarai is a vital area that needs attention. Physical punishment as a form of discipline is common and accepted in several places, from home to school. Many parents were raised similarly and have little information available to them on other effective parenting strategies.

Without knowing child rights, some parents also permit their children to leave school in favour of work. Limited economic opportunities and restricted income also increases children's vulnerability to child labour and even malnourishment. Employment opportunities must be addressed to ensure parents can properly care for and protect their children's well-being.
To ensure children can access a quality education, World Vision will work with the community to:
  • Increase the number of students who can read, write and demonstrate numeracy skills by the third grade
  • Train teachers to develop better quality lesson plans and engaging activities
  • Create children's groups for students to socialize and gain valuable life skills Improve the number of students who continue on from primary school into secondary school

Economic Development
To help parents better take care of their families, World Vision will partner with the community to:
  • Increase the number of households that are financially literate and can manage their income
  • Provide parents training and skills to better identify alternative sources of income Improve the number of households that can provide nutritious food through home gardens and crops

Child Protection
To keep children safe and cared for, World Vision will help to:
  • Facilitate action plans for local partners to improve infrastructure including health care and education
  • Increase the percentage of children whose well-being is monitored and followed-up on regularly
  • Grow the number of youth who feel they have a strong, safe connection with a parent or caregiver
  • Ensure more child protection policies are implemented and reinforced by local village government
An image of children sitting on the ground in a classroom, writing in workbooks.


Unless otherwise stated, data presented on this page reflects the most up-to-date results of World Vision Canada programs reported between October 2022 and September 2023, and any previous fiscal years available. Previously reported data may not match the current presentation as we continuously receive and refine data from our programs. If you have any questions, kindly reach out to us.