Galliness Perri Area Program

Program Type

Community Development

Planned Life Cycle

2010 - 2025


Sierra Leone

Areas of Focus

Child Protection and Participation | Livelihoods 

Program Timeline

Status: Active


138,518people had access to handwashing facilities at home or school


23,227people had access to safe drinking water


4,664people were actively involved in savings groups, providing them with financial literacy training and access to small loans

A white jeep driving through a muddy path, featuring a rainbow and trees in the background.

Program Details

Some neighbourhoods do not have schools, and younger children find it difficult to walk the long distances required to attend school. Classes at some schools take place in mud-thatched structures or under trees. 40% of school-age children are not currently attending. Many that do attend school perform poorly on their exams due to dilapidated classrooms, poorly trained teachers, and ineffective school management.

Health Care
With the local health care system and infrastructure in Galliness Perri destroyed by years of war, basic health services are almost non-existent. Families cannot afford to travel long distances for medical help, so they tend to rely on local traditional healers and unreliable drug peddlers who are not adequately trained or equipped to treat their afflictions.

Many infants and expectant mothers die of preventable illnesses and complications, and children often die from malaria and acute respiratory infections. Malnutrition rates are high, especially among children under the age of five. This is not only because of household food shortages, but also because mothers have limited knowledge on infant feeding and child nutrition.

Families in Galliness Perri struggle to grow enough food, which means there is never enough left over to sell for income. This is partly due to the harsh climate and lack of improved seed varieties, but is also because famers rely on traditional labour-intensive farming methods, like using a hand-hoe. This leads to reduced farm productivity, leaving many families to go hungry between harvests.

Child Protection
In this community, religious and cultural beliefs are valued more than formal education, and many parents are not aware of children's rights to education. Many parents send their children to stay with religious teachers, where they are subject to poor living conditions, are often forced to beg or work, and are sometimes abused. Due to extreme poverty, it is common for children to drop out of school to work, or get married far too young.

Water and Sanitation
The community has never had a piped water system. Most families in the area do not have access to safe drinking water, like those who get their water from streams or ponds. Less than one-third of households have proper latrines, mainly because of low community awareness on health and hygiene. This deadly combination results in rampant waterborne diseases including dysentery, and diarrhea, a major cause of child deaths.

Economic Development
Single, widowed, and teenage moms are especially vulnerable to poverty, of which there are many in the community. They lack the necessary resources to meet their children's basic needs of food, housing, and educational expenses. Similarly, youth who haven't attended school or who have dropped out have little opportunity to earn a living.
To ensure children can access and benefit from quality education, World Vision will assist the community to:
  • Educate the community on children's right to an education, and the importance of staying in school.
  • Construct new classrooms and refurbish existing structures, and make them accessible to children with disabilities.
  • Support the training of teachers and the establishment school management committees.

Health Care
With the partnership of Canadian sponsors and the community, World Vision will work to:
  • Construct new health centres and rehabilitate existing infrastructure.
  • Support immunization campaigns and training for health workers.
  • Organize nutrition sessions where mothers learn to prepare a balanced diet for their children using locally available nutritious foods.
  • Train community volunteers to monitor the growth of young children and promote breastfeeding and infant nutrition.

In partnership with families and sponsors, World Vision will work with the community to:
  • Promote improved seeds and more effective agricultural techniques, tools, and training, thus equipping farmers to increase their crop yields.
  • Encourage farmers to organize into cooperatives to learn from one another and get better prices for their crops.
  • Support women's groups in food processing and preservation techniques to reduce losses after the harvest and make foods available year-round.

Child Protection
To ensure children and youth enjoy a safe and protected environment, World Vision will work to:
  • Encourage community mobilization to end practices that keep children out of school, such as child labour and early marriage.
  • Form children's clubs to give children opportunities to voice their views on issues that affect them.

Water and Sanitation
In partnership with sponsors, World Vision will work with families in the community to:
  • Construct and rehabilitate wells.
  • Train pump-repair technicians and water management committees.
  • Educate community members on waterborne diseases, as well as proper sanitation and hygiene practices.

Economic Development
To ensure parents in Galliness Perri can provide for their families, World Vision will partner with the community to:
  • Train families in business skills and financial management, especially vulnerable households, like those headed by women.
  • Organize vocational training for youth, and support them to start small businesses.
An image of children sitting on the ground in a classroom, writing in workbooks.


Unless otherwise stated, data presented on this page reflects the most up-to-date results of World Vision Canada programs reported between October 2022 and September 2023, and any previous fiscal years available. Previously reported data may not match the current presentation as we continuously receive and refine data from our programs. If you have any questions, kindly reach out to us.