• 442,894 people participated in trainings, counseling or activities intended to teach healthy nutrition and feeding practices.
  • 21,520 community health workers and volunteers were trained in topics equipping them to provide good care for children and families.
  • 25,349 children received age-appropriate immunizations to protect them against childhood illness.
  • 4,940,488 people learned how to protect themselves against COVID-19 through awareness sessions.
  • 3,568 government health workers received training on the prevention of COVID-19.
  • 1,289 community health workers received training on the prevention of COVID-19.
  • 8,500,000 deworming medication was shipped, aiding in children's good health and development.
  • 3,862,807 people received deworming treatment to support their health and development.
  • 78,882 educational materials related to COVID-19 were printed and distributed.
  • 2,425,415 protective medical items were provided for health professionals and families, including medical masks, gloves, surgical gowns and eye protection.
  • 1,039,668 people received personal protective equipment to prevent COVID-19.
  • 8,836 malnourished children recovered their health because of nutrition treatment.
  • 512 caregivers who have participated in nutrition workshops are now feeding their children using practices they learned in the sessions.
  • 69 health facilities are equipped to provide antenatal care for mothers and conduct growth monitoring for children.
  • 109,285 children benefitted from community health screenings, home visits and health centre referrals for children under five. 
  • 2,137 people are participating in nutrition rehabilitation workshops, where caregivers learn to prepare nutrient-dense meals while supporting their child's recovery from malnutrition.
  • 49,054 children under five received micronutrient supplementation such as vitamin A, zinc and micronutrient powders.
  • 12,600 malnourished children received full courses of nutrition treatment with life saving ready-to-use therapeutic food packets.
  • 1,008,000 micronutrient powder sachets were distributed to support children's health and nutrition.
  • 1,890,000 ready-to-use therapeutic food packets were distributed, providing a source of emergency nutrition for malnourished children.
  • 257,196 patient consultations were provided by health professionals through projects supported by World Vision.
  • 82,000 patient consultations were provided by community health workers through projects supported by World Vision.
  • 22,618 people benefited from psychosocial support activities appropriate for their age and gender.
  • 1,137 government health staff received training in topics relevant to their roles and responsibilities.
  • 3,995 people received clean birthing kits, helping to support women's safe, healthy childbirth and recovery.
  • 3,997 clean birthing kits were distributed to help with safe and healthy deliveries.
Results of World Vision Canada's projects between October 2020 and September 2021,
in partnership with Global Affairs Canada and other institutional donors

Our approach
We focus on the health of both children and mothers, as the two are inextricably linked. Caring for a woman before she conceives, throughout pregnancy, during birth, and in the years after birth has a direct impact on the well-being of her child. We work with families to improve maternal and child health all along the continuum.

Here are some of the things we provide:
  • prenatal care, so more babies are born strong and healthy
  • delivery support (including the training of community volunteers) so mothers and babies are safe during childbirth
  • post-natal care for mothers and babies, especially during the vulnerable first months and years
  • breastfeeding support, so more babies are well-nourished and develop stronger immune systems
  • immunizations, to reduce the likelihood of childhood illnesses
  • education for parents on protecting children from potentially deadly childhood illnesses – like malaria, pneumonia and diarrhea
  • medical care, throughout children’s lives

Nutrition is a critical part of healthcare. When mothers are well-nourished, newborns are stronger. When children enjoy a balanced diet, they're more physically and mentally active. They can stay in school longer and do better. This opens the door for brighter futures.
A girl is not physically prepared to carry and deliver a baby, as her body is still growing and developing. Early pregnancy is among the most frequent causes of infant and maternal mortality in developing countries. Further, pregnancies too close together are another major factor.

We teach families and communities about the importance of delaying pregnancy until at least age 18. We educate mothers on the importance of leaving at least two years between pregnancies. This way, her body has a chance to recover from pregnancy and childbirth. She can continue breastfeeding her baby and focus on caring for her newborn.

Safe timing and spacing of pregnancies can have a lasting impact on a family. If a mother is alive and well, she can care for her other children, allowing them to continue in school. Babies who come into the world strong and healthy have a much better chance of thriving throughout their lives.
The first five years of a child’s life are critical. Every year, 5.9 million children die before their fifth birthday, mostly from causes that are preventable or treatable.

Here are some of the ways we respond: 
  • We teach communities to protect children from simple but deadly illnesses like diarrhea, pneumonia and malaria
  • We equip parents to identify and respond to symptoms
  • We help ensure children have access to essential health services, both for checkups and in an emergency

Malnutrition contributes to about half of children’s deaths before age five. It greatly reduces a child’s ability to fight off even the simplest illnesses. And malnutrition can stunt the development of a child’s body and brain. It can interfere with their lifelong ability to learn, work and support their families. 

We also train and equip volunteer networks to care for those who are sick, and to look after children who are orphaned or vulnerable because of HIV and AIDS.
We consider the toll that the illness takes on the world’s most vulnerable children. Our response includes things like:
  • prevention education
  • prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
  • caring for those infected with the disease or affected by it
  • working with local faith leaders overseas, harnessing their influence in reducing stigma around HIV and AIDS

We train and empower volunteer networks to care for those who are sick. We’re especially concerned about the well-being of children who are orphaned and vulnerable because of HIV and AIDS. We partner with communities to create networks, to ensure these children are comforted and cared for.
Malaria is a strong example of the ways that our integrated community model can save children’s lives. To start, we install clean water points within communities. This means babies and children are less likely to spend time near stagnant water sources – breeding grounds for the mosquitos which carry malaria.

Here are other ways we prevent and respond to malaria:
  • We distribute mosquito nets village-by-village, covering whole communities to reduce the spread of the mosquito-transmitted disease
  • We teach villagers to install the bed nets and use them properly and consistently
  • We educated communities about malaria, its mode of transmission through mosquitoes, and malaria prevention strategies
  • We teach parents about symptoms of malaria, preparing them to respond quickly when a baby or child is ill
  • We train health workers to care for children who are dangerously ill
  • We collaborate with local ministries of health to improve community access to healthcare, expanding to reach more children
Despite the challenges of poverty, there are some families who are able to raise well-nourished children. Together, the community discovers what these families do differently.  Sometimes, it’s a matter of combining different foods together, or adding new foods to the children’s diet.

We are always on the look-out for families whose children are healthy, even when others in the community are struggling.  What are they doing differently from the rest?  Which recipes are they using, and what foods are they sourcing?  We work with these families to teach others in the community about improving child health.
Thanks to our partnerships with communities in Tanzania, one region won several national awards for improvements to its maternal, newborn and child health services.
Despite the challenges of poverty, some families are able to raise well-nourished children. Together, the community discovers what they do differently.
Read the World Health Organization’s overview of malaria, its symptoms and the best ways to prevent it.

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