END the Cycle
You know our name. And our mission. For decades, we’ve worked tirelessly to balance the scales. But that’s the problem: decades.
Join us as part of a global effort to take on and solve some of our world’s biggest challenges and ensure that children can live up to their God-given potential — and together change the lives of 300 million people by 2030.
Together, let’s finish what we started.
How you’ll help:
- Help us tackle unclean water, broken healthcare, child violence, perilous futures and economic insecurity, creating opportunities for millions of the world’s most vulnerable people.
Help End the Cycle
END Unclean Water
We want to ensure communities have access to clean water to not only survive but allow kids to stay in school and stay healthy.
Ending the global water crisis is essential if we want to save lives and end extreme poverty. These are problems that can be solved in our lifetime.
World Vision is the leading nongovernmental provider of clean water in the developing world. Our ability to deliver at scale is enabled by locally-led efforts and backed by a strategic global operation.
How you’ll help:
- Bringing clean water to everyone, everywhere we work in Zambia and Honduras
Help End Unclean Water
See the progress we’re already making
END Broken Healthcare
We want to strengthen healthcare systems by providing clean and safe facilities that offer people life-saving help.
1.8 billion people are at greater risk of infections because their health centres do not have clean water, adequate sanitation, or handwashing facilities.
Together we can save the lives of nearly 1 million mothers and babies each year through prevention, clinic upgrades and training community health workers.
Your investment will bring clean water and sanitation to a rural healthcare facilities, and train and equip community health workers.
How you’ll help:
- Bringing water and improved hygiene to healthcare facilities in countries like Malawi and Uganda
- Lifesaving health education, support and treatment through trained Community Health Workers
Help End Broken Healthcare
END Violence Against Children

We want to allow girls and boys to be safe from violence and forced adulthood so they can reach their full potential.
In many cultures, female genital mutilation (FGM) symbolizes the transition from girlhood to womanhood, and is a valued traditional practice done on girls as young as 10 that has devastating physical and psychological effects on girls.
Every year, 12 million girls are married before they turn 18 – that’s 22 girls every minute.
Bangladesh has the highest incidence rates of child marriage in South Asia with a staggering 51% of girls married before their 18th birthday, 16% married before the age of 15. In Kenya, 23% of girls are married before their 18th birthday. We are partnering with communities in Kenya and Bangladesh to sustainably reduce the prevalence of child marriage and other harmful practices.
Turning the tide on child marriage and FGM requires a multi-sector approach to creating lasting change. Your investment will support changing social norms harmful to children, strengthening household economic conditions, and promoting education and life skills training for girls.
How you’ll help:
- Through our Big Dream To End Child Marriage program, you’ll support a holistic approach that creates lasting change and shifts attitudes away from FGM and child marriage
- In Kenya and Bangladesh, you’ll help empower children to play active roles in change among their peers
- Families will be strengthened to protect, nurture and support children
Help end violence against children
See the progress we’re already making
END Perilous Futures

We want to shine hope in dark places by providing care and support to people as they survive, adapt and thrive in dangerous and challenging situations. By providing immediate relief as well as long-term solutions to people living in dangerous, complex and rapidly changing conditions.
Over the past decade, an unprecedented number of global humanitarian crises have emerged or intensified, further complicated by COVID-19. We are committed to investing in the lives of girls and boys living in the world’s most dangerous places. As children fall consistently behind, their futures are put into peril, as well as global well-being.
From responding to the immediate needs of survival; food, water, safety and shelter, to working with communities to establish stability and rebuild their livelihoods, to addressing the root causes of fragility and poverty to establish longer-term development – we are there and ready to do more.
Your investment will help make certain today and tomorrow for families and build a secure world for everyone.
How you’ll help:
- Supporting those affected by the Global Hunger Crisis
- Meeting the needs of the most vulnerable in fragile contexts
- Ensuring immediate needs are quickly met when humanitarian and natural disasters strike
Help End Perilous Futures
END Economic Insecurity

We want people to realize their full potential. We want to empower their mindsets and for them to achieve self-reliance so they can end the cycle of living in extreme poverty.
The vast majority of the extreme poor live in rural areas and are made up of farmers and small business owners trying to make a living without the tools they need to realize their potential.
Two-thirds of these extreme poor are subsistence farmers – at least half of them female – with very small plots of land. Their farms barely meet the family’s minimum food needs, much less have produce to sell.
We focus on rural farmers and small business owners with a proven set of approaches called THRIVE – Transforming Household Resilience in Vulnerable Environments.
Your investment will help ensure that every family has an opportunity to thrive and lift themselves out of poverty.
How you’ll help:
- Reach 10 million people in 11 countries with access to the tools they need to lift themselves out of extreme poverty by 2030.
- Support evidence-based interventions including empowered worldview, savings groups and loans, as well as market knowledge and access.
Help End Economic Insecurity
See the progress we’re already making
END Climate Impacts

When severe storms, extreme heat waves, or long droughts hit, they can wipe out entire crops, leaving families struggling to put food on the table and make ends meet. This leaves families unable to provide for their children and without an income. People living in the poorest countries contribute the least to these problems but are disproportionately affected by their negative consequences. Children, women, and people with disabilities are the most vulnerable and the least equipped to adapt to a changing climate.
Our goal is to create a thriving environment for children and future generations by restoring the natural environment and working for climate justice. Together, we can equip communities to build resilience and work toward a brighter future.
How you’ll help:
- Communities will be able to restore harmed environments, protect healthy environments to make them progressively stronger and healthier
- Smarter ways to farm will be taught – such as crop diversification and reforestation – to set families up for success, even in places hit hardest by climate change.
Help End Climate Impacts