In the News The rising risk of child labour due to COVID-19
COVID-19 has the potential to increase child labour risks in multiples ways. Here are three ways you can help.
Change Makers Compassion in the midst of crisis: 5 ways to help
We're in the middle of a crisis that requires each of us to play our part to keep ourselves and others safe. This should be our primary focus but not our only focus.
Change Makers 8 ways to help change the world
As people grapple with how to create a more livable world, there are simple steps each one of us can take. Learn more about how you can help bring about change in the world.
Change Makers Finding his rhythm through music
Gustavo spends his Saturdays teaching the next generation how to play the violin and viola at World Vision’s music school.
A calling to strengthen family bonds
Doris strives to create strong relationships between parents and children in Bolivia. See how.
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