From the Field 5 Ways to Get into the Soccer Spirit
I’m not afraid to admit that I’m in love; even though I’ve been playing for nearly two decades, soccer and I are still in the honeymoon phase. Sure, like every relationship, we’ve had our ups and downs. But there is something magical about soccer that brings people together. That’s what I can’t get enough of.
From the Field Access to feminine hygiene helps girls get an education

I remember missing a few days of school over the course of my education. Seeing me doubled over with cramps, my mom would take pity on me and sign me out of class.

From the Field Latrine helps restore dignity in a camp for Syrian refugees

World Water Day is about more than clean water. It's also about sanitation and hygiene, since proper sanitation and hygiene (in conjunction with clean water, of course) can help reduce the risk of deadly diseases. That is why toilets, or latrines as they are called in some countries, are so important.

From the Field "I feel like I can fully participate in life again"
Justine, 31, is a wife, mother and rape survivor from the Eastern DRC who found purpose after joining a savings group, supported by generous donors like you. This is her testimony.
From the Field 5 kids' unique journeys to school

For these five children, getting to school is no simple matter. But mountain ranges and rivers won’t stop them from getting an education. And, like their commitment to learning, our admiration for them knows no bounds. 

From the Field 12-years-old and homeless: Sonia's story

Young Sonia works long hours every day, hoping to make enough money for a few vegetables. She’s homeless and sleeps wherever she can, covered only in a thin sheet. Recently, she’s been unable to see at night – a symptom of malnutrition – and fears going blind altogether. Not to mention all the other reasons a girl on her own has to be afraid of.

From the Field Backbreaking labour: Srey's story

Srey Neang packs 4000 heavy bricks onto a truck every single day. It’s backbreaking labour, work not meant for a 13-year-old girl. In fact, she spends more time working than she does in school, making her dream of becoming a teacher seem like an unlikely reality. 

From the Field Ethical chocolate changing lives in Ecuador
Despite its delicious taste, chocolate does more harm than good when it's sourced unethically. But ethical chocolate can transform impoverished cocoa-producing communities into thriving ones... just ask Mayra!
From the Field Hope through education in India’s slums

They’re known on television as the Property Brothers. Good-looking and confident, they stride into millions of Canadian living rooms each week with real estate and design advice. But when World Vision’s brand new ambassadors, Vancouver-born twins Drew and Jonathan Scott, stepped into a one-room hut in Delhi, India, they were clearly treading new ground.

From the Field Life of a child miner

Children should be playing, learning to read and write and experiencing happy, healthy childhoods. But when there’s not enough money to put a meal on the table, children have no choice but to earn their keep. It’s a growing problem, particularly in countries that don’t have strong governments, laws and regulations to make sure children are going to school, not down mine shafts.

From the Field Syria's moms: Real heroes

This Saturday, I got to meet real-life superheroes. They were refugee mothers, recently arrived from the Middle East having escaped Syria. All of them had come to a giant playdate organized by World Vision and the Mennonite Central Committee for their families. 

From the Field Child labour in Haiti: One child’s story

Fourteen-year-old Haitian Sonite Edmond despondently recalls being forced to work as a restavek when she was just six years old. Meaning “to stay with” in Creole, restaveks are children working in domestic slavery, as Sonite was forced to when she went to “stay with” her godmother in Port-au-Prince.

From the Field How we respond to disasters

When disaster strikes, World Vision is positioned to respond, to help mitigate the impact on vulnerable communities. Here's how.

From the Field Haiti earthquake: Three years later

In the aftermath of the earthquake that struck Port-au-Prince on January 12, 2010, World Vision initiated the largest single-country disaster response in the organization’s history. Over the last three years, as the focus has shifted from emergency relief to long-term development, World Vision has helped several million Haitians.

From the Field Syrian refugee stories

Winter is here. And children are freezing. Literally. The Syrian families who’ve fled their homes have nothing except the clothes on their backs. It’s not enough. They’ve given up jobs, warm beds, school, loving friends, security, stocked pantries and more — all to stay alive. Here are their stories.

From the Field Forced into sexual slavery by poverty

For fifteen-year-old Mao, poverty turned an innocent sleepover at a friend’s house into a childhood trapped in Cambodia’s sex trade.

From the Field Birthday party for sponsored kids

Ever wonder what that extra gift for your sponsored child's birthday buys? Group birthday celebrations held once a year, like this one in El Salvador, are happening in your sponsored child's community too. With group birthdays, every child in the community gets to feel special and most of all, loved!

From the Field What’s a Child-Friendly Space?
World Vision answers your frequently asked questions about Child-Friendly Spaces.
From the Field Waterborne disease facts and how to help
Water is a lifesaver, but it can also be a major threat to human life when it's contaminated. Learn more about waterborne diseases.
From the Field 5 global dishes with deeper meaning
I lived in Haiti for 8 months after college. Immersing yourself in a different culture is exhilarating - I thrived on the challenge of trying new foods and learning a new language. What was most fascinating to me about Haitian culture, was the purpose behind their daily details. Specifically, in the food they made.
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