Change Makers What my time in Ghana taught me about resilience

Ten years ago, my life completely changed while working in Buduburam Refugee Camp, Ghana. To have the opportunity to return to Ghana last fall, once again changed me forever. As a child sponsorship ambassador, I am privileged to share these stories.

From the Field Unleashing the power of the Super Tortilla

Families are fighting malnutrition in Honduras, with a new way of thinking about adding vegetables to the kids’ tortillas. Not rolled up inside, where they can be detected and avoided, but mashed into the actual dough.

Change Makers Meghan Markle: Humanitarian and Global Citizen
Meghan Markle has long been involved in humanitarian efforts and charity work from volunteering in soup kitchens as a teenager, to advocating for gender equality with the UN and raising awareness for the world most vulnerable children.
5 things I've learned from only eating ethical chocolate

I absolutely love chocolate, but I have decided to make a choice to start eating only ethically sourced chocolate.

Change Makers A different kind of Valentine
A World Vision Canada employee talks about how her children helped her think of Valentine's Day differently. 
From the Field A mother's strength and hope
Olivia wants the best for her two children, Julio and Tito. Julio wants to be a teacher one day and it is Olivia’s dream to see her son achieve his goal.
From the Field These young women are paving the way for youth participation in Bolivia
As members of a youth network supported by World Vision, Viviana, Giovanna and Beatrice have changed lives in the community of Nueva Esperanza, Bolivia.
From the Field Muppets teach Syrian refugee children life-saving handwashing habits
A partnership between Sesame Workshop and World Vision is teaching young Syrian refugee children about safe drinking water, the importance of using latrines and good handwashing. 
In the News Tackling mental illness in the world's toughest places

As someone who survived a mental illness, I'm glad conversations around mental illness are beginning—especially for women in the world’s toughest places.

Voices The 14-year-old charcoal maker
Robert’s favourite video game is League of Legends. Like most 14-year-old boys, he could spend countless hours playing it. But there’s one big thing that sets Robert apart from other boys his age — he makes charcoal for a living. 
Change Makers Five reasons we still do the Polar Bear Dip every year
With 32 years of experience braving the frigid waters of Lake Ontario, the Courage Brothers are Canada’s highest authority on how to keep yourself motivated this Polar Bear Dip.
From the Field Our favourite photos of 2017
Check out this year's seasonal snapshots: World Vision Canada's highlight reel!
Change Makers Forget the sales: This is the best deal there is!
This young World Vision blogger gives you the moo-down on what a cow can mean to a family in need.
Change Makers Four things I learned from spending Christmas far from “home”
A sandy Christmas can look pretty different from a white Christmas. But the spirit of giving and spending time with family is the same wherever you are.
From the Field Gift Catalogue blankets bring warmth against the chill
The gift of warm blankets is helping the children of this Bolivian community stay warm and healthy. 
From the Field Moms sew seeds of hope in Bolivia
In this corner of Cochabamba, Bolivia where urban meets rural, a group of women is changing lives, one tiny seed at a time. This Christmas, it is making all the difference. 
Change Makers Hope from the humble egg
The humble egg is making an exceptional difference in the lives of children and families around the world. 
Change Makers Five minimalist Christmas gift ideas
Five ways to make gift giving a little easier
Change Makers Beating the need to get it right at Christmas
When the pressures of the holidays seem to be too much, this article reminds us of what is important.
From the Field Universal Children's Day from a Rohingya refugee camp
Lindsay Gladding, World Vision Canada's Director of Humanitarian Emergencies and Affairs, reflects on spending Universal Children's Day with Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
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