Support in family, support in education

Niame, 11 years old, was once a borderline street child. Her father, Namakan, lost his left eye and went blind due to a terrible accident a few years ago. Learn more about their story.

One school club sets an example
As part of a child protection project facilitated by World Vision, primary school students have formed advocacy and support clubs to address low enrollments and low literacy. 
Tuul's recovery
Tuul was very young when both her parents died, so her survival story entails a lot of moving in and out of extended family homes. Learn her story.
Salmina's escape from early marriage
"A man came [to] our home one afternoon," recalls Salmina. "He told my father that he wanted to marry me."
Sponsorship brings hope for Natalie
​Marina* and her daughter Natalie* live in the slums of Mexico. They do not have a luxurious life, but they feel safer than in their home in El Salvador.
From child labourer to child leader
Ericka, a young teacher, wakes up at four o’clock in the morning and walks 90 minutes to get to work. She arrives at the school and prepares early before the 13 preschoolers arrive.
"My dream is to become the first village doctor"
Malaria, pneumonia and diarrhea are most common illnesses causing child mortality in Niger. In an effort to decrease these childhood illnesses, World Vision has partnered with World Health Organization. Read more.
Weaving a New Future
Bereket’s family was dependent on agriculture for food and income. But due to the lack of adequate agricultural land, the family wasn’t able to produce crops for food.
A safe place from the streets
When she first arrived at the centre, Mari looked distraight and neglected: dirty, with worn clothes and a scalp full of lice. She, like many other children in Tbilisi, come from the streets. In 2014, World Vision established a crisis care intervention centre to give children living or working on the street access to essential services in a safe and caring environment.
Advisor's encounter with youth sparks discussion
​“I was amazed to hear their stories and learn about the challenges and problems that children from Africa suffer,” says Mario Stephano, a World Vision Child Participation Advisor.
Recovery happens in child-friendly spaces
The sound of children singing and clapping their hands echoes in the hallways. Two volunteers are leading activities and playing with a group of children. Elders sit on the tables outside in the shade, wiping their brows under the hot Ecuadorian...
Child Labour to Soccer Player
A coffee drinker in a distant country might sip a cup of hot joe and taste the Colombia roast, but may not know how child labour is linked to its production.
Education = Freedom
Education is a right, but it's not necessarily secured for children like Estefania, 12, who is without a birth certificate. Learn more.
Safety on stage
“The drama scene is so much fun! I can also learn safety knowledge from it,” says nine-year-old Hui Ying, “I’ve taught my younger brother what I just learned.”  The third-grader lives in a small village. Her parents are migrant workers in...
Bitter past, better future
Fulfilling a day in the life of typical working-class parents, 40-year-old Samnang* and his wife left their two girls, Chenda* and her younger sister at home. Upon their return, it was clear that something terrible had happened. Chenda was... 
Hungry for hope
Chanelle, 12 years old, dropped out of school so she could work to support her family in a time of famine. There is hardly ever enough food, as her community is often hit by drought. Read more.
From victim to victory
While working her job in a bread factory, 13-year-old Joytun went into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. While nibbling her food, her scarf caught on the stove and a fire quickly enveloped the young girl in a cooking flame.
Lucio becomes a leader
With each swing of his pickaxe, Lucio breaks the dry ground of his onion garden. He walks along the perimeter, gently uprooting the onions beneath his feet. Shaking off the loose dirt, he collects the fruits of his labor. Lucio is breaking... 
Voices Meeting Malala: World Vision youth volunteers on empowering girls

Malala Yousafzai is a name that, by now, should need no introduction. The youngest ever Nobel Prize laureate, and a courageous champion for girls' right to education, she is a hero to girls everywhere.

In the News Famine and hunger in East Africa: facts and images
In February, UN agencies declared a famine in parts of South Sudan. They estimated that 100,000 people faced immediate threat of starvation. They also raised a serious alarm that other regions in Africa are at risk of famine.
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