Mia's Story
Six-year-old Mia has the prettiest big, blue eyes. She’s the youngest of five children, and the challenges she faces would be unbearable for most of us, but her eyes are filled with optimism.
A New Spokesperson for Family Health
In Aminetou’s community, faith leaders are getting involved in something that was once deemed only a woman’s concern: child and maternal health.   Imam Mohamed Ould Salim is one such leader. After going through a training with World Vision, he...
The Family That Succeeds Together
Mwanza’s family has come a long way. For years, his three kids went without enough food or proper clothing. Today, Mwanza and his wife, Emelda, are role models in the community because of what they’ve achieved.
An unexpected business venture
Almost 17 years ago, Esteban travelled to a different city for work. During lunch, he was invited to a trout restaurant located next to a spring where fish were being bred. Amazed by the landscape and by the food, he decided to start selling trout. Read more.
A new path for Laiane
Laiane lives in Mundau and has been sponsored since she was nine. She didn't used to communicate well, especially with her family. 
Coffee crops a success!
Dong is ten years old, living with his family in a rural village in northern Thailand. Like most people in their village, his parents grew corn and cabbage. Learn more.
In the News Rebuilding Haiti after Hurricane Matthew

On October 4th my colleagues and I anxiously watched the news as Hurricane Matthew tore through Haiti. All of us were hoping and praying that the damage would be minimal, but the storm was deadly.

How Does Child Sponsorship Work?
Have you ever wondered just how we make Child Sponsorship happen? Watch this behind-the-scenes video that takes you through the steps of Child Sponsorship.
When schools and sponsors meet
​In September 2016, Markham, Ont. resident, Cheryl Pitchford, traveled to Tanzania as a World Vision Child Sponsorship Ambassador. Read about her experience.
Food for the Family
After peeling off her school uniform and dropping her exercise books on her bed, nine-year-old Lillian rushes to the maize garden near her home. She quickly breaks off several mature cobs and heads back to the family kitchen to roast them. “I like...
Try this classic South African recipe
On the trip, Elizabeth was served “malva pudding.” The dessert has Dutch origins but it’s considered a classic in South Africa. Want to try your hand at it? Here’s the recipe.
A family, a farm, a future
​In September of 2016, Child Sponsorship Ambassador Cindy Cook-Leamen traveled to Tanzania. While there, she met a hard-working family. Read more.
Super farmer, super dad
Mackswin, 45, is many things. He's a husband and a father, a fisherman and a farmer. He's a hygiene promoter and the first "caregiver"  in his community.
Mothers on a mission
Learn how women operate savings groups and business ventures with one mission: to remove the barriers that prevent girls from staying in school. Read more.
Making it personal
As a World Vision staff member in Burundi, Marie has always been committed to helping struggling families in her country. But when she met Valentin...read more.
Overwhelming generosity from Mina's sponsor

At 14, Mina has a kind smile. On a visit to Butwal in April, I had the privilege of spending some time with her family. They haven’t had it easy. Read more.

Andrew and Callixte: Families at War
“I was living a great life,” says Andrew, 50. “I had many relatives around me and many friends and neighbours who were like a big family.” The peace in Andrew’s village dissipated in April 1994 as neighbours turned on neighbours at the beginning of...
Mamadou's community learns to accept him
Mamadou and his mom were marginalized from everyone in their community. Mamadou was born with a disability that prevented him from using his arms and legs.
Coming Through the Crisis
​“Hunger was one of my greatest fears during Ebola,” says Mariama, 12, remembering one day when she went to bed after only eating coconut.
A Changed Family
​According to Gladys, 47, she wasn’t a leader “even in her dreams” when she first came to the community as a young mother with her husband Emiliano.
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