Ali's illness brings a family together
​At first it was just a tiny white spot on Ali’s leg; another one on his arm. The then ten-year-old didn’t think much of it, and neither did his parents.
One mom's dramatic story of change
​I am Sylvia Garlan, a volunteer leader for World Vision. I am married and have five kids. This is my story of change.
A mom and a teacher
“We must be alert to signs of malnutrition among our children, because if we neglect them we can seriously limit their development,” says Maria, addressing a group of 12 attentive mothers in her back yard. Read more.
"Today I can provide for my children"
Provider, bread winner, budding entrepreneur—these are the words that come to mind when Gladys tells her story. She's a 45-year-old mother of five. For years she and her husband, Kweku, were struggling to make ends meet. They started out their...
Working toward family peace
Deisy, 38, lives in Santa Ana. She's the hard-working mom of two teenage boys, Cesar and Jordan. Today the family is united and happy, but Deisy recalls more tumultuous times in their not-so-distant past.
Raja's Road to Success
When Raja's husband fell on his back at work, everything changed for their family. The injury rendered him unable to work, and the 34-year-old mom of three became responsible for their livelihood. 
Through Malavika's lens
Since birth, 17-year-old Malavika has suffered from hearing and speaking impairments. Her father, Naren, has always been protective of her. Read more.
Belita: from child bride to aspiring teacher
Early marriage is very common in Mozambique. In fact, the country is currently ranked 11th in the world for child marriage. Learn Belita's story.
A new start for Saikhantuya's family
Saikhantuya knows better than to look too closely. As sparks bounce from the end of her father's welding sticks, the 14-year-old sponsored child’s eyes dart around the yard. Various metals are piled on top of each other – materials to construct a... 
Aisha finds her purpose
After Aisha got married, her whole world seemed to close in. She had been teaching for a year at a local public school when she married a man from her village. But she was forced to give up her job when she started having children. “We lived by... 
Child sponsorship: Not just about the kids

“I thought sponsorship was a relationship between the children and the sponsors, but actually, my parents also enjoy the World Vision sponsorship program,” says Karia, laughing at her mom and dad. At 11 years old, Karia is joyful and full of life....

Seng's family no longer fears him
Seng is married, the father of six daughters and one son. He's held jobs as a fisherman, construction worker and is now a photographer, but for years, his family feared him.
Gultaz Beats the Odds
Once unable to read or write, baffled by basic arithmetic and hiding the truth, Gultaz has changed her family's fate and given her children a chance to dream.
A Reputation for Quality
At the age of 11, Priya made a decision to be “independent” when she grew up. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. She only knew she wanted to have her own source of income. "Although my parents worked on the tea estate, they did other things too...
From the Field In Haiti, a goat can equal financial security
What does financial security look like for you? Money in the bank? Good investments? To my great surprise I found that in Haiti, financial security can look a lot like a goat.
From the Field A world of classrooms

As Canadian children get ready for back-to-school next week, they’re joining millions of children who are learning all around the world. Some study in school buildings with desks and chalkboards. Others learn under a tree, on a mountaintop, or in a refugee camp.  

From the Field Canadian children welcome Syrian refugees to Canada

In case you missed it, this is our most-viewed video ever!

From the Field Providing access to clean water in North Korea

Recently, I returned from North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, where I had the opportunity to visit some of World Vision’s alternative energy water projects. 

From the Field "Unsafe water keeps my friend from school."

But sometimes Otília is too weak to play soccer…or go to school. This happens when she has diarrhea caused by the water the family drinks from the stream.

From the Field During disasters World Vision is first in, last out
World Vision is often one of the first responders to natural disasters and emergencies. But that doesn't mean that we simply dump our aid supplies and leave.
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