From the Field For girls in India, a simple trip to the washroom can be life-threatening

In many urban areas of India, families live in old, one-room houses. The houses do not have toilets, so everyone is forced to rely on public toilets that are shared by several families. The lack of dignity makes using these facilities a harrowing experience for young women.

In the News In the Philippines, Kaye rises above the storm

Kaye has a smile that puts you at ease right away. The 14-year-old student made friends easily when she transferred to a new school several years ago. Smart, driven, and kind, she was an instant favourite with teachers and her peers.

From the Field 5 Ways to Get into the Soccer Spirit
I’m not afraid to admit that I’m in love; even though I’ve been playing for nearly two decades, soccer and I are still in the honeymoon phase. Sure, like every relationship, we’ve had our ups and downs. But there is something magical about soccer that brings people together. That’s what I can’t get enough of.
From the Field Access to feminine hygiene helps girls get an education

I remember missing a few days of school over the course of my education. Seeing me doubled over with cramps, my mom would take pity on me and sign me out of class.

Voices Positive supply chains: A view from Honduras
In 2004, Gennri became part of a World Vision-sponsored savings group, which serves as a bank for the poor.
Change Makers World's best mom

Mãe, Mère, Maji, Induk, Mama, Ammee, Mom; the word ‘mother’ in any language represents strength, love and security. And these moms are no exception!

From the Field Latrine helps restore dignity in a camp for Syrian refugees

World Water Day is about more than clean water. It's also about sanitation and hygiene, since proper sanitation and hygiene (in conjunction with clean water, of course) can help reduce the risk of deadly diseases. That is why toilets, or latrines as they are called in some countries, are so important.

Belal, 2, is alive today because of your generosity

Rahima was married at 14. Her husband wanted sons, but life became difficult as child after child passed away.

An Afghani mother’s letter to Canadians

This is a real letter from 35-year-old Rahima, an Afghani mother who had given up hope when she learned her son Belal was severely malnourished.

From the Field "I feel like I can fully participate in life again"
Justine, 31, is a wife, mother and rape survivor from the Eastern DRC who found purpose after joining a savings group, supported by generous donors like you. This is her testimony.
Xiujuan Says Goodbye to Freezing Showers
Just one mention of the new solar water heater in her community, and Xiujuan’s face reveals a brilliant smile. She lives in the mountains, where weather conditions can be more severe and winters are cold. People here rely on firewood to heat their...
From the Field 5 kids' unique journeys to school

For these five children, getting to school is no simple matter. But mountain ranges and rivers won’t stop them from getting an education. And, like their commitment to learning, our admiration for them knows no bounds. 

Change Makers Honouring dads around the world

As Father's Day approaches, I wanted to learn how dads around the world encourage, mentor and care for their children. Looking through the World Vision photo database, I found dozens of men who go to immense lengths for their little ones.

Passing the Flame of Peace
Communities in Burundi are still healing after decades of ethnic violence. In Rutegama, youth are taking the lead to create real unity through children's clubs called "Flame of Peace."
From the Field 12-years-old and homeless: Sonia's story

Young Sonia works long hours every day, hoping to make enough money for a few vegetables. She’s homeless and sleeps wherever she can, covered only in a thin sheet. Recently, she’s been unable to see at night – a symptom of malnutrition – and fears going blind altogether. Not to mention all the other reasons a girl on her own has to be afraid of.

From the Field Backbreaking labour: Srey's story

Srey Neang packs 4000 heavy bricks onto a truck every single day. It’s backbreaking labour, work not meant for a 13-year-old girl. In fact, she spends more time working than she does in school, making her dream of becoming a teacher seem like an unlikely reality. 

Plans for Mozambique's Girls

​In Mozambique, early marriage, where girls marry before age 18, is among the highest in the world. When girls marry young, they drop out of school and are far more likely to face extreme poverty.

Eggs for Sale!
Eight-year-old José lives in Arani with his father and two older brothers, Wilder and Ilber. José never knew his mother, but thankfully he has the care of his grandmother and aunt, who live with the family and make sure the boys are well... 
An oasis of health
Each week, upwards of 70 children gather at the local health centre in Cilincing with their parents. This health centre is like an oasis, a "one stop shop"  for expecting moms, children and growing families.
In the News Factory collapse puts spotlight on child labour

In 2013, the Rana Plaza garment factory collapsed in Bangladesh, killing more than 1,100 people. Many workers had received an ultimatum that day after complaining about dangerous cracks in the structure: go to work now or lose your pay. In the days that followed, Canadians watched in horror as information was released linking some of their favourite clothing brands with garments being sewn in that very building.

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