In the News How climate change impacts poverty
Floods, droughts, cyclones - climate change is hardest on the world’s poorest people, as weather patterns turn deadly, destroying homes and disrupting livelihoods.
From the Field Like MANA from heaven
A young mother’s struggle with her malnourished child takes a turn when she meets a World Vision healthcare worker.
From the Field The Magic of a Mom Group
Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes a village to support a new mother.
In the News International Day of the Girl: What it is and why it matters
Despite global achievements towards gender equality, girls continue to face barriers to full, equal participation both at home and in the world. Find out why we need Day of the Girl more than ever.
In the News Our reasons why - stories from our sponsors
The reasons that a person decides to sponsor a child vary. We asked our community of sponsors their why. These are their stories.
From the Field Helping instil confidence in new moms
Mary, 27, lives in Kenya and she’s a first-time mom to a baby boy born this past May. Even though caring for baby Festus is new to Mary, she is confident because she’s armed with the right knowledge to help Festus achieve his development and growth milestones.
Change Makers Random acts of kindness: Ideas to brighten your world
Get into the giving spirit with a list of unique “random act of kindness” ideas for your family, community and around the world.
In the News Our reasons why - a story from Carol Hyatt
I first heard about World Vision through the media, decades ago. At the age of 40 I lost my mother from a heart attack. The grief was unbearable. I felt alone. I had no husband and was childless. But I had purchased a Bichon Frise the previous year with the option of breeding her. She became my best friend. I could not have loved a creature more and knew having a human child without a husband was nothing I wanted to handle. The decision to sponsor my first World Vision child was made the same year my mother passed.
The garden of promises: how Chansamone feeds her family during COVID-19
Lettuce, chilis, cucumbers, long beans, corns - Chansamone’s garden abounds of fresh and appetizing vegetables. A fence made of cactus protects the rich flora grown with natural, non-chemical fertilizers. A garden that will provide food for her and the 13 members of her household.
When water makes a homeland liveable again
Thanks to caring donors like you, World Vision was able to rehabilitate the destroyed village borehole, giving the families here a fighting chance of resurrecting their community.
Change Makers Fundraising ideas to support your cause
Looking meaningful ways to make a difference? We’ve put together a list of easy, fun and innovative fundraising ideas to help you raise money for your cause.
In the News Food crisis: is a worldwide food shortage imminent?
Food crises have worsened around the world. If current trends continue, the world will be unable to deliver on its commitment to eradicate hunger by 2030. Learn more.
In the News 8 world-changing solutions to poverty
The World Bank forecast that in 2021, severe poverty would increase to between 143 million and 163 million people. Even here in Canada, poverty rates are on the rise.
In the News Is World Vision a good charity you can trust and support?
World Vision is an international charitable organization working in nearly 100 countries. Learn about World Vision's work and impact in the lives of millions of people.
In the News How armed conflict impacts children
As armed conflict rages around across the world, children pay the highest price. In 2021, the number of countries experiencing armed conflict was the highest in 30 years.
In the News The Darién Gap: migrant route of last resort
For centuries, the Darien Gap held the reputation of being virtually uncrossable. Yet in 2021, nearly 100,000 migrants bargained their lives to cross the gap on foot.
Change Makers The Hofland effect: love, change and lasting impact
Learn how Hofland has been making a difference by partnering with World Vision Canada - driving real positive impact in the lives of the most vulnerable children.
Stories from our sponsors
This page contains personal story submissions from World Vision child sponsors.
From the Field Water, Sanitation + Hygiene
At Lupembe Health Centre in Malawi‘s Lupembe-Mlare sponsorship community, medical staff and community members were stuck in a longstanding struggle over a scarce but necessary resource: water.
From the Field Child Protection + Participation
Hamdani, 22, is a young Muslim from a Maranao tribe in Marawi City, Philippines. When Hamdani was in school, he was known by his classmates for being rebellious, and a bad example for other students.
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Displaying results 741-760 (of 763)