Change Makers Learning to stay alive in today’s humanitarian world

This World Humanitarian Day, as the threats to aid workers increase, their protection has not, which is why more and more humanitarians require military-grade survival training to do their job

From the Field Sri Lanka: the Flood in Photos

Heavy monsoon rains in Sri Lanka have led to massive flooding and landslides. Over 500,000 people have been affected, with 169 dead, 102 missing, and 75,308 have had to flee their homes.

In the News Syrian children from Aleppo build snowmen in a displacement camp

In a rare moment of winter cheer, these displaced Syrian children had some fun in the snow, north of the city of Aleppo. 

In the News 3 ways to remember Syria this Christmas

For years, our hearts have been broken by the conflict in Syria. This holiday season, the images of children hurt and even targeted by the violence, especially in Aleppo, seem almost too much to bear.

In the News Do something for Syrian refugees this Christmas

For years, our hearts have been broken by the conflict in Syria. As we near the holiday season, the images of children who have been hurt and even targeted by the violence, especially in Aleppo, seem almost too much to bear. 

In the News Aleppo in ruins, World Vision calls for peace in Syria

The ceasefire in eastern Aleppo has shattered, stalling the evacuation plan to get people out of the city on buses. As eastern Aleppo lies in ruins, the reports of violence against the children of Aleppo signal a terrifying new chapter in the Syrian Crisis. 

From the Field Child friendly spaces help kids learn to be kids again

Children like Hamaad, Manal, Ahmed, Aman and Raqwa* have been through more terror before the age of 14 than most Canadians will endure in a lifetime. In fact, Iraq is now home to 3.3 million internally displaced people and 8.4 million people in need.

In the News Rebuilding Haiti after Hurricane Matthew

On October 4th my colleagues and I anxiously watched the news as Hurricane Matthew tore through Haiti. All of us were hoping and praying that the damage would be minimal, but the storm was deadly.

From the Field Canadian children welcome Syrian refugees to Canada

In case you missed it, this is our most-viewed video ever!

From the Field Syria's moms: Real heroes

This Saturday, I got to meet real-life superheroes. They were refugee mothers, recently arrived from the Middle East having escaped Syria. All of them had come to a giant playdate organized by World Vision and the Mennonite Central Committee for their families. 

From the Field How we respond to disasters

When disaster strikes, World Vision is positioned to respond, to help mitigate the impact on vulnerable communities. Here's how.

In the News Who can afford to marry my daughter?

One hundred dollars a month: that’s the price Amira is paying for the small one-room shack her family is living in off of a main street in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley. It’s an exorbitant price for Syrian refugees. And one Amira isn’t sure she can continue to afford.

From the Field Syrian refugee stories

Winter is here. And children are freezing. Literally. The Syrian families who’ve fled their homes have nothing except the clothes on their backs. It’s not enough. They’ve given up jobs, warm beds, school, loving friends, security, stocked pantries and more — all to stay alive. Here are their stories.

From the Field What’s a Child-Friendly Space?
World Vision answers your frequently asked questions about Child-Friendly Spaces.
In the News Syrian Refugee Crisis: facts and how to help
Since 2011, conflict has devastated Syria. Now the Syrian refugee crisis is recognized internationally, as the largest refugee crisis of our time. The Syrian civil war has set Syria’s national standard of living back by decades – destroying health care systems, schools and water and sanitation facilities.

In the News Central African Republic Conflict: Fast Facts and How to Help
Ongoing civil conflict in Central African Republic has resulted in a humanitarian crisis impacting health care, education, nutrition and access to clean water.
In the News Venezuela crisis: facts and how to help
Food shortages, lack of medicine and violence have led an increasing number of Venezuelans to flee the country and seek safety in neighbouring countries.
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