Voices Hadeel's story
Seven examples of countries in crisis. Seven girls, coming of age amidst unthinkable circumstances. They share a common courage, in the face of danger and deprivation. And they share something else: an urgent need for education. Hadeel is the first girl.
Change Makers Meghan Markle: Humanitarian and Global Citizen
Meghan Markle has long been involved in humanitarian efforts and charity work from volunteering in soup kitchens as a teenager, to advocating for gender equality with the UN and raising awareness for the world most vulnerable children.
From the Field These young women are paving the way for youth participation in Bolivia
As members of a youth network supported by World Vision, Viviana, Giovanna and Beatrice have changed lives in the community of Nueva Esperanza, Bolivia.
From the Field Our favourite photos of 2017
Check out this year's seasonal snapshots: World Vision Canada's highlight reel!
Voices Meeting Malala: World Vision youth volunteers on empowering girls

Malala Yousafzai is a name that, by now, should need no introduction. The youngest ever Nobel Prize laureate, and a courageous champion for girls' right to education, she is a hero to girls everywhere.

From the Field A father's love: fighting gender discrimination in India
In India, a father is one of the biggest advocates a girl can have.
Voices My trip to India was unforgettable and so is this shocking fact
Everyone knows Indian weddings are extravagant, colourful and dazzling. When I received the invite from one of my best friends to attend her wedding in India, I couldn't say no.
From the Field 17 reasons to hope in 2017
Hope shines a light in the darkness. It’s infectious, even healing. But what is there to be hopeful for? Let’s look at the year ahead with 17 reasons to have hope in 2017.
From the Field These Christmas gifts are human rights

This Human Rights Day, we're reflecting on a few gifts that offer hope for a better future, and can impact the lives of children and families forever.

From the Field Latrines help restore dignity for girls like Nimco

13-year-old Nimco lives in the Baki district of northwestern Somalia, an area of the country that’s been devastated by years of civil war. Her village had a serious shortage of latrines. Until recently, 70 per cent of people were relieving themselves outside, causing sanitation issues that led to sickness and even death.

Change Makers Actress Laura Vandervoort launches jewelry line

In early 2015, Vandervoort went on the journey of a lifetime to Kenya, to see the different projects that World Vision offers the community.

From the Field For girls in India, a simple trip to the washroom can be life-threatening

In many urban areas of India, families live in old, one-room houses. The houses do not have toilets, so everyone is forced to rely on public toilets that are shared by several families. The lack of dignity makes using these facilities a harrowing experience for young women.

Change Makers World's best mom

Mãe, Mère, Maji, Induk, Mama, Ammee, Mom; the word ‘mother’ in any language represents strength, love and security. And these moms are no exception!

From the Field Forced into sexual slavery by poverty

For fifteen-year-old Mao, poverty turned an innocent sleepover at a friend’s house into a childhood trapped in Cambodia’s sex trade.

Voices How child marriage, FGM and obstetric fistula impact the lives of women and girls forever
Learn how child marriage, female genital mutilation and obstetric fistula negatively impact millions of women and girls around the world.
Voices Child marriage: Facts and how to help
At its core, child marriage is a fundamental violation of human rights. Learn about how early marriage compromises a child’s development and opportunities in life.
Voices Why do the poor have large families?
Learn about the factors behind poor families having large families such as child mortality rates, lack of health services and forced early marriage.
From the Field Tackling gender-based violence in the world’s largest refugee camp
At 19, Smirna was a widow living in the world's largest refugee camp in southern Bangladesh.
In the News International Day of the Girl: What it is and why it matters
Despite global achievements towards gender equality, girls continue to face barriers to full, equal participation both at home and in the world. Find out why we need Day of the Girl more than ever.
In the News 8 world-changing solutions to poverty
The World Bank forecast that in 2021, severe poverty would increase to between 143 million and 163 million people. Even here in Canada, poverty rates are on the rise.
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