From the Field Together for humanity: Empowering local heroes
Local leadership and community-driven responses yield immense transformative power. Countless individuals and organizations work on the ground, often in challenging conditions, to provide immediate relief and drive sustainable recovery. Local heroes are not just first responders; they are cultural experts, community connectors and resilience builders who understand their people’s unique needs.
From the Field Claiming the right to learn in Lebanon
Syrian children in Lebanon have lost months or years of education to war and economic crisis. Many are catching up through a World Vision program.
In the News How recovery from the Türkiye-Syria earthquakes can support gender equality
Women are often left behind in disaster responses. Here’s how gender equality can be at the centre of earthquake recovery in Turkiye and Syria.
From the Field How the Türkiye-Syria earthquakes have worsened the situation in Syria
From mental health to child protection, here is why the Türkiye-Syria earthquakes are a crisis on top of another crisis.
From the Field 5 green solutions to help the world’s most vulnerable cope with climate change
The world’s most vulnerable countries contribute very little to climate change, yet they often pay the highest price. Here are 5 green solutions to help the poor cope with climate change.
In the News Listen to their voices: Syria’s lost generation
A new podcast hosted by actor and activist Liam Cunningham, shares the challenges and hopes of Syrian children and youth on the 10th anniversary of civil war in that country.
In the News The cost of conflict for Syria’s children: 10 years on
Lindsay Gladding, World Vision Canada’s Director of Fragile and Humanitarian Programs reflects on the cost of 10 years of conflict for Syria's children.
From the Field Christmas traditions from around the world
Have you wondered how people celebrate Christmas around the world? We wanted to give you a glimpse of different traditions in places like Brazil and Georgia.
Voices The Overcomers: Healing the scars of war
Raja* is a 10-year-old survivor of war. During the battle for Mosul, Iraq between ISIL and coalition forces, she was severely injured by a bomb. She lost her hand and her legs were badly damaged. Raja shares her story in her own words.
Change Makers Hidden in plain sight: A different kind of hero
World Vision has a history of responding in a crisis. Meet six heroes from our history who had extraordinary impact.
Change Makers Called to the toughest places: Four change-makers responding to COVID-19
The global pandemic has transformed millions of ordinary people into heroes, quietly stepping forward to help the most vulnerable in some of the toughest places. Meet four women having extraordinary impact.
In the News Humanitarian crisis in Idlib: Fadi’s story
15-year-old Fadi lost his arm in an airstrike in northern Syria. Now he and his family are navigating life in a displacement camp with close to one million other people whose homes have been destroyed.
From the Field 8 ways we’re working to achieve the SDGs
It’s the 31st anniversary of International Development Week and we’re celebrating the steps we’re taking together to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Voices Refugee: Shames’ story
17-year-old Shames and her mother lost everything when they fled civil war in Syria. Now they live as refugees in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon. She worries about her mother's health, and how they will make ends meet from day to day. One day she hopes to return to Syria and complete her education, but for now it's out of reach. 
Voices Violent conflict and disability: Raja’s story
Ten-year-old Raja was badly injured by a bomb during the battle for Mosul. She lost her left hand and is unable to walk. How will she overcome the physical and emotional scars of war? 
In the News 10 of the most dangerous places to be a child
Being a kid should be magical, filled with wonder, adventure and fun. But for millions of children living in the world’s most dangerous places, childhood is often the first thing to go. 
From the Field Empower youth to change the future
Youth are agents of change in urban centres in Lebanon.
Change Makers For a chance at a future
A mother only wants a chance for a better future for her children. For Shamsa and her seven children, it came at a cost.
Voices Hadeel's story
Seven examples of countries in crisis. Seven girls, coming of age amidst unthinkable circumstances. They share a common courage, in the face of danger and deprivation. And they share something else: an urgent need for education. Hadeel is the first girl.
From the Field Muppets teach Syrian refugee children life-saving handwashing habits
A partnership between Sesame Workshop and World Vision is teaching young Syrian refugee children about safe drinking water, the importance of using latrines and good handwashing. 
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