From the Field These gifts transformed Rosemary's family

It all started when Rosemary's grandfather Danford received five goats in 2011. "Here comes the freedom," Danford said he told himself.

Change Makers Meeting my sponsored child

Questions raced through my mind as we got closer to the remote family farm. I was about to meet my sponsored child!!

Change Makers Striving for peace on Remembrance Day

Growing up in Senegal, I went to school with kids from all over the world. In that environment, surrounded by the poverty of our host country, my parents taught me to value the cultures and traditions of people from all walks of life, to practice compassion for all, and to celebrate the things that made each of us unique.

Change Makers Actress Laura Vandervoort launches jewelry line

In early 2015, Vandervoort went on the journey of a lifetime to Kenya, to see the different projects that World Vision offers the community.

From the Field Child friendly spaces help kids learn to be kids again

Children like Hamaad, Manal, Ahmed, Aman and Raqwa* have been through more terror before the age of 14 than most Canadians will endure in a lifetime. In fact, Iraq is now home to 3.3 million internally displaced people and 8.4 million people in need.

From the Field Video: Inside a refugee camp in Iraq

With the military offensive approaching Mosul, Iraq, scores of children and their families from outlying villages are already fleeing to an overcrowded Camp near Erbil in northern Iraq.

In the News Rebuilding Haiti after Hurricane Matthew

On October 4th my colleagues and I anxiously watched the news as Hurricane Matthew tore through Haiti. All of us were hoping and praying that the damage would be minimal, but the storm was deadly.

From the Field In Haiti, a goat can equal financial security
What does financial security look like for you? Money in the bank? Good investments? To my great surprise I found that in Haiti, financial security can look a lot like a goat.
From the Field A world of classrooms

As Canadian children get ready for back-to-school next week, they’re joining millions of children who are learning all around the world. Some study in school buildings with desks and chalkboards. Others learn under a tree, on a mountaintop, or in a refugee camp.  

From the Field Canadian children welcome Syrian refugees to Canada

In case you missed it, this is our most-viewed video ever!

From the Field Providing access to clean water in North Korea

Recently, I returned from North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, where I had the opportunity to visit some of World Vision’s alternative energy water projects. 

From the Field "Unsafe water keeps my friend from school."

But sometimes Otília is too weak to play soccer…or go to school. This happens when she has diarrhea caused by the water the family drinks from the stream.

From the Field During disasters World Vision is first in, last out
World Vision is often one of the first responders to natural disasters and emergencies. But that doesn't mean that we simply dump our aid supplies and leave.
From the Field For girls in India, a simple trip to the washroom can be life-threatening

In many urban areas of India, families live in old, one-room houses. The houses do not have toilets, so everyone is forced to rely on public toilets that are shared by several families. The lack of dignity makes using these facilities a harrowing experience for young women.

In the News In the Philippines, Kaye rises above the storm

Kaye has a smile that puts you at ease right away. The 14-year-old student made friends easily when she transferred to a new school several years ago. Smart, driven, and kind, she was an instant favourite with teachers and her peers.

From the Field 5 Ways to Get into the Soccer Spirit
I’m not afraid to admit that I’m in love; even though I’ve been playing for nearly two decades, soccer and I are still in the honeymoon phase. Sure, like every relationship, we’ve had our ups and downs. But there is something magical about soccer that brings people together. That’s what I can’t get enough of.
From the Field Access to feminine hygiene helps girls get an education

I remember missing a few days of school over the course of my education. Seeing me doubled over with cramps, my mom would take pity on me and sign me out of class.

Voices Positive supply chains: A view from Honduras
In 2004, Gennri became part of a World Vision-sponsored savings group, which serves as a bank for the poor.
Change Makers World's best mom

Mãe, Mère, Maji, Induk, Mama, Ammee, Mom; the word ‘mother’ in any language represents strength, love and security. And these moms are no exception!

From the Field Latrine helps restore dignity in a camp for Syrian refugees

World Water Day is about more than clean water. It's also about sanitation and hygiene, since proper sanitation and hygiene (in conjunction with clean water, of course) can help reduce the risk of deadly diseases. That is why toilets, or latrines as they are called in some countries, are so important.

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