From the Field Empowering urban Tanzanian dads for adolescent health and rights
As traditional powerholders, men can serve as influential gender equality advocates. By working with other men and boys to speak out against discriminatory gender norms that perpetuate discrimination, violence and inequality, men serve as positive role models. The AHADI project has adapted the MenCare program to promote gender equality with a focus on adolescent girls.
In the News 5 tips for talking with children about conflict and refugees
We try to shield our children from some of the world’s toughest realities, including armed conflict and forced displacement. But kids don’t live in a bubble.
In the News Three reasons why gender equality is important
The fulfillment of gender equality continues to elude many nations in the developing world, with women and girls bearing the vast brunt of its negative effects. But if communities want to alleviate the economic, social and political problems they face, achieving gender equality is absolutely necessary.
In the News Why is education important and how does it affect one’s future?
Education is an important part of life regardless of one’s gender, race, or social class. This article explains why and how education affects one’s future.
From the Field The global hunger crisis hinders the right to nutrition for the most vulnerable
The global hunger crisis is pushing the most vulnerable women and children into starvation. See how World Vision is responding.
In the News Ukraine crisis: What’s happening and how is World Vision responding?
Facts and updates on the Russia and Ukraine conflict. Learn how the situation is impacting thousands of people fleeing the country, including children.
From the Field Protecting the right to education: What you should know
Here are facts and figures about what it takes to protect the right to education and what can be done to make sure all children have quality education.
Change Makers Child soldiers: a conversation with General Romeo Dallaire
Romeo Dallaire talks about his lifelong mission to rally the global community to stop the recruitment and abuse of tens of thousands of children in armed conflicts around the world.
In the News 2021: An unprecedented year in review
A recap of the key moments in 2021 and how World Vision teams served the world’s most vulnerable children.
In the News Why is education important and how does it affect one’s future?
Education is an important part of life regardless of one’s gender, race, or social class. This article explains why and how education affects one’s future.
From the Field Humanitarian aid: what you need to know
‘Humanitarian aid’ or ‘humanitarian assistance’ is emergency help for people in some of the world’s most desperate situations. Learn how you can support relief efforts.
In the News Femicide: A Global Tragedy, No Matter Your Gender
Femicide is the killing of women and girls simply because they are female. Perpetrators can be gangs, militia, even fathers and husbands.
Change Makers Ottawa youth take a stand for gender equality

In 2019, youth advocacy is arguably what fuels the fire of global movements. Meet two young women who are fighting to put an end to violence and discrimination against women.

Change Makers 8 tips for being a youth advocate
Our generation today is rising up, knowing that we have the power as youth to change the world through our voices. Here are eight tips I've learned on how to sustain your fire for changing the world.
In the News Remembering Rohingya refugees on Universal Children’s Day
It’s getting cold in Canada, but on Universal Children's Day, I haven’t forgotten the scorching heat in the world’s largest refugee camp in Bangladesh.
Why our makeup isn't actually cruelty-free, and what we can do about it
Makeup is a pretty important part of my everyday life. So when I found out that the glowy products I used could be made with child labour, I needed to find out why- and what I could do about it.
From the Field Making peace and stability a reality for refugees
In the midst of the biggest refugee crisis in history, Canadians can’t lose faith in international aid.
In the News Making history and space for girls to be heard

For the first time, adolescent girls will contribute to the G7 leadership conversation. And with their voices front and centre, we all stand to benefit.

5 things I've learned from only eating ethical chocolate

I absolutely love chocolate, but I have decided to make a choice to start eating only ethically sourced chocolate.

In the News Tackling mental illness in the world's toughest places

As someone who survived a mental illness, I'm glad conversations around mental illness are beginning—especially for women in the world’s toughest places.

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