2024 Legacy Demystified: Your Questions, Our Insights

Wondering about the ins and outs of leaving a legacy gift? Look no further! In this section, we address your burning questions, demystify the world of planned giving, and equip you with the knowledge you need to make a meaningful impact through your charitable giving.

  1. What types of assets can I include in my Will?

    Your legacy gift can take many forms. World Vision Canada accepts cash, securities, life insurance policies, retirement funds, and endowment funds. While we may consider other assets like real estate, personal property, or cryptocurrencies, it’s essential to consult with our legacy team first. Additionally, consulting with a legal or financial advisor will help you determine the most tax-efficient and impactful way to structure your gift.

  2. What if I have multiple charities I want to support?

    You can divide your legacy gift among several charities. Specify the allocation in your Will, ensuring each organization receives the portion you desire. Consult with legal advisors to ensure your wishes are accurately reflected.

  3. Can I leave a legacy gift anonymously?

    Legacy gifts are typically allocated to the Where Most Needed funds unless specified. We focus on using legacy gifts to address pressing needs and maximize impact across our programs. The decision on how to distribute your gift is based on priorities and needs. Your gift will help meet the needs of vulnerable children and families globally by providing essential resources such as health care, protection and safety, food, and clean water. This approach ensures that your contribution supports urgent and effective initiatives.

  4. When I leave a gift in my Will to World Vision Canada, how will my legacy gift be distributed, and who makes the decision?

    Legacy gifts are typically allocated to the Where Most Needed funds unless specified. We focus on using legacy gifts to address pressing needs and maximize impact across our programs. The decision on how to distribute your gift is based on priorities and needs. Your gift will help meet the needs of vulnerable children and families globally by providing essential resources such as health care, protection and safety, food, and clean water. This approach ensures that your contribution supports urgent and effective initiatives.

  5. How do I involve my family in my legacy giving decision?

    Involving your family in your legacy giving decision is important. Begin by having open conversations about your philanthropic goals, values, and the causes you care about. Encourage family members to share their perspectives and consider their input when making decisions. Engaging them early on helps create a shared understanding and ensures that your legacy gift reflects your family’s collective vision.

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