In the News Uncovering child labour in our supply chains
Find out how coffee travels from a child's hands to major coffee brands.
In the News Moving beyond gender norms
How girl power groups are decreasing child marriage in this Bangladesh district.
Voices Warning: your groceries may contain child labour
Despite some progress, more than three million children work to support their families. Read Oscar, Elijah and Fernando's stories in their own words.
In the News Our most read stories from 2020
We look back at the year that was and the stories you read most in 2020. Find out how they reflected our lives in a tough year.
Voices Keeping hope alive this COVID Christmas
This year has been disruptive for all of us, and COVID-19 has left an indelible mark. But hope has not been cancelled. Our President and CEO Michael Messenger shares how we can keep hope alive.
Change Makers 7 ways to stoke the fires of social justice this Christmas
As 2020 draws to a close, here are 7 ways to honour children's rights and further equality and empowerment among the most marginalized people in the world.
In the News Global leaders, invite kids to the COVID conversation
We ask the G20 leaders to make stronger funding commitments for health, education and other services that protect children from harm during the pandemic that are guided by children’s voices.
In the News A child’s right to speak out: lessons from World Vision’s child participation models
On Universal Children's Day, find out why children's voices must be at the centre of policies and programs that affect them.
Change Makers Alex Trebek, Humanitarian
World Vision Canada pays tribute to Alex Trebek, television personality, host of Jeopardy! and long-time ambassador and advocate for children living in poverty.
Change Makers #HiddenHero: Priscillia is an agent of change in her community
At just 12 years old, Priscillia is using her advocacy training to share coronavirus prevention messages with her friends and neighbours in Camp Bili, a refugee camp in Democratic Republic of Congo, and she's making a difference.
Voices What young Canadians are saying about COVID-19
Young Canadians share their hopes and fears amid a tumultuous year and a global pandemic.
Voices Secondary impacts of COVID-19 can’t be secondary concerns
As governments ask millions to stay home and close schools and public spaces in order to contain the outbreak, children, especially the most vulnerable, will face increased risks of psychological distress, violence and social exclusion. 
In the News Humanitarian crisis in Idlib: Fadi’s story
15-year-old Fadi lost his arm in an airstrike in northern Syria. Now he and his family are navigating life in a displacement camp with close to one million other people whose homes have been destroyed.
From the Field 8 ways we’re working to achieve the SDGs
It’s the 31st anniversary of International Development Week and we’re celebrating the steps we’re taking together to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In the News 2019: The year in review
As 2019 draws to a close, we’re taking stock of the year that was – the challenges we faced and the places where we see hope. Here are seven stories that had a big impact in 2019
Voices Martine advocates for children in dangerous places
16-year-old Martine is advocating for vulnerable children in the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the world’s most dangerous places.
Change Makers Ottawa youth take a stand for gender equality

In 2019, youth advocacy is arguably what fuels the fire of global movements. Meet two young women who are fighting to put an end to violence and discrimination against women.

In the News How story can change the way we see refugees, if we let it
70.8 million people were forced from their homes due to conflict, violence, or human rights violations by the end of 2018. The numbers can feel overwhelming, but if we let ourselves be touched by the stories, we might just be able to move beyond overwhelmed to act.
From the Field Empower youth to change the future
Youth are agents of change in urban centres in Lebanon.
Change Makers These gender equality warriors are breaking down barriers

These community leaders are gender equality warriors, breaking down the barriers that hold women and girls, men and boys back from experiencing life in all its fullness.

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