From the Field Pump it up: Solar-powered network delivers clean water to refugees’ doors
Funded by Global Affairs Canada, World Vision recently completed construction of a solar-powered water network in the world’s largest refugee camp. This innovation comes just as the COVID-19 pandemic is gripping the world. 
From the Field 8 ways we’re working to achieve the SDGs
It’s the 31st anniversary of International Development Week and we’re celebrating the steps we’re taking together to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In the News How story can change the way we see refugees, if we let it
70.8 million people were forced from their homes due to conflict, violence, or human rights violations by the end of 2018. The numbers can feel overwhelming, but if we let ourselves be touched by the stories, we might just be able to move beyond overwhelmed to act.
Voices Refugee: Nesadin’s story
Nesadin and his family escaped conflict in Sudan for a refugee camp in Kenya. But what does the future hold for a boy growing up on the run?
Voices Refugee: Shames’ story
17-year-old Shames and her mother lost everything when they fled civil war in Syria. Now they live as refugees in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon. She worries about her mother's health, and how they will make ends meet from day to day. One day she hopes to return to Syria and complete her education, but for now it's out of reach. 
Voices Refugee children: Jehovanise, Rebecca and Diane’s stories
Jehovanise, Rebecca and Diane fled conflict, malaria and flooding in Burundi. They lived in Tanzania for three years, but life in the refugee camp is hard. They've returned to Burundi seeking hope for a better future, but is it too soon? 
In the News Plight of the child soldier: facts, foundations and how to help
1 in 6 children—that’s 357 million girls and boys—live in areas of the world affected by war or armed conflict. Many are recruited to be child soldiers. Learn why children are the target of armed forces and what you can do to help.
In the News Remembering Rohingya refugees on Universal Children’s Day
It’s getting cold in Canada, but on Universal Children's Day, I haven’t forgotten the scorching heat in the world’s largest refugee camp in Bangladesh.
In the News What is a refugee? Facts and how to help
Every day, thousands of refugees are driven from their homes by conflict and persecution. Learn more about who refugees are, where they're going and how you can help.
From the Field Making peace and stability a reality for refugees
In the midst of the biggest refugee crisis in history, Canadians can’t lose faith in international aid.
Voices Tabarak's story
Even before armed groups came crashing into her town in the Kurdish region of Iraq, Tabarak’s education was pulled to an abrupt halt.
Voices Angela's story
When rebels attacked and burned their village in Central African Republic, 15 year-old Angela and 11 year-old Innes escaped with their mothers during the night, carrying nothing but the clothes they were wearing. Now they are in a safer place, but at the same time, they’re facing a different kind of danger. One that lasts much longer. The prospect of no education and a difficult road ahead. 
Voices Nyamal's story
When civil war first erupted in Nyamal’s village, four years ago, she became one of the four million people who were forced to flee their homes. At Nyamal’s school in the camp, students learn to read and write, tackle math equations, learn about science and how to be good leaders in the future.
In the News Making history and space for girls to be heard

For the first time, adolescent girls will contribute to the G7 leadership conversation. And with their voices front and centre, we all stand to benefit.

Voices Hadeel's story
Seven examples of countries in crisis. Seven girls, coming of age amidst unthinkable circumstances. They share a common courage, in the face of danger and deprivation. And they share something else: an urgent need for education. Hadeel is the first girl.
From the Field Teenage refugee chases her journalism dream
Sixteen year old Tabarak is determined to be a journalist, despite the setbacks she's facing as a Syrian refugee. And education is helping her get there.
From the Field Our favourite photos of 2017
Check out this year's seasonal snapshots: World Vision Canada's highlight reel!
From the Field Universal Children's Day from a Rohingya refugee camp
Lindsay Gladding, World Vision Canada's Director of Humanitarian Emergencies and Affairs, reflects on spending Universal Children's Day with Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
In the News Rohingya Crisis: fast facts and how to help
The plight of Rohingya refugees has been at the forefront of international news here in Canada, but you may still have questions about the Myanmar and Rohingya crisis. Here are some fast facts to help you better understand what is happening in Myanmar and neighbouring Bangladesh.
From the Field A Rohingya refugee family flees violence

Razia is one of the 900,000 refugees who have fled across the border from Myanmar to Bangladesh. As a member of the Rohingya group, she has been a target for violence in her home country. Many of the refugees are living in the same conditions as Razia – no food, water, healthcare or proper shelter.   

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