Aleppo in ruins, World Vision calls for peace in Syria

Dec 14, 2016
Above: Syrians walk the streets of their destroyed home, Aleppo

The ceasefire in eastern Aleppo has shattered, stalling the evacuation plan to get people out of the city on buses. As eastern Aleppo lies in ruins, the reports of violence against the children of Aleppo signal a terrifying new chapter in the Syrian Crisis. 

World Vision is gathering thousands of blankets, mattresses and other necessities to prepare for new arrivals from Aleppo. Currently, World Vision supports more than one million displaced people from northern Syrian with clean water, sanitation, and support to health services with equipment and supplies. 

World Vision calls for lasting peace in Syria, and safe passage for residents to leave Aleppo to safe ground, where World Vision and other organizations can provide support.

To help children and families in dangerous places, donate to Raw Hope. Your one-time gift will provide things like clean water, education, nutritious food, healthcare and shelter.

ceiling fans hand inside rooms of an apartment building that lacks an outside wall
An apartment in Aleppo with the wall blown out

Crumbling dirt and debris of homes and apartments
Destroyed homes in eastern Aleppo

buildings with broken walls hanging off
Buildings reduced to rubble

All photos/Syrian Relief. Used with permission.