Change Makers Turning outrage at injustice into action for good

For 65 years, we’ve turned our outrage at injustice into action, going wherever children are most vulnerable. One person can do something, but many, together, can make a greater impact. Justice requires action. Will you join the movement?

Change Makers Giving back as a way of life for teachers turned alpaca farmers
Kathy Enright and Corinne Côté have spent their lives giving back, first as teachers, and now as alpaca farmers.
Expanding minds in Laos
An educated child is a child with unlimited potential. Helping them learn and grow is an opportunity that should never be missed.
From the Field Bringing back the spark: Make healthy children a priority
When the children arrive at the refugee camp in Uganda from their native South Sudan, they’re sick and frail. This was how 27-year-old Rose arrived with her three children after a week on foot.
Change Makers Make a splash with these costume ideas for the Polar Bear Dip

With each passing year, Polar Bear Dip costumes get more imaginative! Here are 10 ways past dippers have made a big splash. What will your costume be this year?

Change Makers Christmas traditions around the world
Have you ever wondered how your neighbour celebrates Christmas? We asked some sponsored children from several countries to share their holiday traditions.
Change Makers Chickens and Childhood Dreams
One childhood dream came true because of a simple gift of chickens.
Change Makers How to make the holidays truly wondrous for kids
Discover seven ways to experience holiday wonder with your kids, without abandoning traditions or breaking the bank.  
Change Makers Power of Her: engineering a collective future
Power of Her is a movement that aims to create space for girls. Space to learn, to heal, to participate. Space for girls to express themselves, with opportunities for the community at large to hear what is of importance to them. 
Change Makers Chicken power
This summer, Brett Tarver got to witness first-hand what most generous Canadians don’t have a chance to see - chickens provided by World Vision’s Gift Catalogue being distributed to Ethiopian families in need.
In the News Remembering Rohingya refugees on Universal Children’s Day
It’s getting cold in Canada, but on Universal Children's Day, I haven’t forgotten the scorching heat in the world’s largest refugee camp in Bangladesh.
Change Makers Head over Hooves: refugee families welcome new “kids” into their homes
Amelia and her 10-year-old granddaughter, Susan, eagerly await the arrival of their two new family members. They aren’t alone: dozens of families are here today, all equally excited for the delivery of kids (baby goats) from World Vision’s Gift Catalogue. 
Change Makers Five ways to have a greener Christmas
The holiday season can be so hard on the planet we love. All too often, the traditions we embrace come wrapped in layers of paper, reams of plastic and mountains of disposable shopping bags.
In the News Local heroes pick up the pieces in Sulawesi Indonesia
What happened in Sulawesi at the end of September was complete and utter chaos- and it will take years to pick up the pieces. The heroes of this story are the local staff who stay long after foreign aid workers and the news media have left.
Change Makers A Tanzanian lesson to BEE the change this Christmas
Since the late 1990s, the global bee population has been in decline, as a result of climate change, increased pesticide use and mite infestations. People across the globe have taken steps to help save the bees by setting up beehives right in their backyards. Meet Ernest from Tanzania, and read how beekeeping has changed his life.
Change Makers 5 ways to reduce stress this holiday season
Christmas comes but once a year – and that’s plenty for most of us. Many people meet life’s pressures quite well. And then December arrives. Why are we so vulnerable during that time?
From the Field Afternoon coffee with Ejigayehu
The aroma rising from the pan is something the world's fanciest coffee shops can't touch. It's the scent of roasting coffee beans, plucked by Ejigayehu's own hands, reminding us that a hunger-free world is possible.
Change Makers 5 tips for conquering your first marathon
“What was I thinking?” ran through my mind several times after I committed to run the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon. One way or another, though, I will cross that finish line and will stay true to my commitment to clean water for developing countries. 
In the News World Vision responds to the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia
World Vision is on the ground in Indonesia responding to a devastating 7.4-magnitude earthquake and tsunami that has so far killed more than 1,400 people.
From the Field Having lunch amongst the trees with Debabash
Just a few years ago, this hilltop was bare and barren. Debabash's life was vastly affected by the deforestation in her area. Now, Deb is a park ranger who is cultivating and growing the forest above her home.
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