From the Field Making Ethiopian flatbread with Tsehay
These hands have baked injera for more than three decades. Bellies throughout the community are filled with her nutrient-rich flat bread.
In the News Typhoon Mangkhut: Updates and facts you need to know

Typhoon Mangkhut made landfall in the Philippines early morning, local time, on Saturday, September 15th as a Category 5 hurricane.

From the Field Breakfast with Sadiya
Breakfast with Sadiya's family is like being invited in by a favourite aunt you loved to visit as a child. Few would guess that in this little oasis, Sadiya's children were once malnourished because of extreme poverty.
Preparing for twins...or triplets?
Can any family really be prepared for the news of surprise triplets? Maybe not, but Hovsep and Satenik are armed with all the right tools.
From the Field Ethiopia providing hope for a Hunger Free Africa
When people think about Ethiopia, many immediately think famine. But that's not the whole story.
A little love for the garden
An injury prevents Patrick from maintaining his garden; but with a little help from his friends at World Vision, he's back on his feet.
Community collaboration makes a sick baby well
When Sokha was born, she was six pounds and declared a healthy newborn. It was after the birth that the baby girl's health took a scary turn.
A dream fulfilled
In Guwahati, the community you partner with, a young girl’s passion for martial arts paves the way for her to attend college.
Change Makers 5 ways to donate school supplies for kids

September marks the return to school for millions of children around the world. For some kids, the transition back into the classroom is easier because they have the supplies (things like books, notebooks, pencils, and backpacks) they need to enter the school year with confidence. 

Why our makeup isn't actually cruelty-free, and what we can do about it
Makeup is a pretty important part of my everyday life. So when I found out that the glowy products I used could be made with child labour, I needed to find out why- and what I could do about it.
Early education: the foundation of a brighter future
In Narsinghpur, the community you partner with, renovations to an early childhood centre give young boys and girls a stronger start in life.
Children leading the way
In Alwar, the community you partner with, children are working together to break down social barriers in a village once marked by division.
A happier, healthier childhood
In Bhopal, the community you partner with, a young mother finds the courage to step forward and take control of her daughter’s health.
The power of a child's voice
In Faridabad, the community you partner with, children are being empowered to speak out and create lasting change.
A father's transformation
In Bogawanthalawa, the community you partner with, a father decides to stop abusing alcohol and play a more active role in the lives of his three children.
One family's journey to financial stability
In Khan Uul, the community you partner with, a hardworking mother starts over in a new city and builds a brighter future for her four sons.
Helping children find their voice
In Diamagadio, the community you partner with, a child from a family shunned by their community finds acceptance and belonging.
Education brings a brighter future
In Jubileo, the community you partner with, a rural school receives computers so local youth can finish their high school diplomas.
Space to learn and grow
A school in a rural part of Jubileo received computers so youth can continue their education beyond Grade 9. Photo: World Vision
Renewed hope for a single mother
In Gweri, the community you partner with, a single mother resurrects her dreams for her children with the help of her teenage son.
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Displaying results 281-300 (of 763)