From the Field Cyclone Idai: Long-term recovery lifts off with Food for Assets
Food for Assets reached more than 161,000 individuals in Mozambique and helped empower Cyclone Idai survivors like 15-year-old Paulito and his mom to take ownership over their community’s rejuvenation.
From the Field Innovative technology is saving lives
Thanks to better detection and more rapid treatment for anemia, regions like Shinyanga will be better positioned to save the lives of more children like Jumanne every year. 
Change Makers The ‘courageous’ mom behind the Polar Bear Dip
For the past 25 years, Gaye Courage and her sons have taken the plunge into the beautiful but frigid waters of Lake Ontario on New Year’s Day with hundreds of other enthusiastic dippers, to raise money for clean water. 
Voices Martine advocates for children in dangerous places
16-year-old Martine is advocating for vulnerable children in the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the world’s most dangerous places.
Change Makers Too much stuff: How one small gift made a huge difference one Christmas
When Andrea started writing her Christmas wish list, she discovered she already had too much stuff! So she switched gears and asked for something a little different.
From the Field The story behind the catalogue cover girl
Get to know Bethlehem, the little girl with the infectious smile on the cover of this year's Gift Catalogue.
In the News What you need to know about the Ebola Virus Disease
Ebola is a highly contagious viral disease with a 60% mortality rate. Learn more about its symptoms, how it spreads and how to help children in affected areas.
Voices Refugee: Nesadin’s story
Nesadin and his family escaped conflict in Sudan for a refugee camp in Kenya. But what does the future hold for a boy growing up on the run?
Voices Drought and malnutrition: Amina’s story
Amina is just two years old and severely malnourished. Her family lost everything in a drought that began long before she was born. Read her story.
Voices Refugee children: Jehovanise, Rebecca and Diane’s stories
Jehovanise, Rebecca and Diane fled conflict, malaria and flooding in Burundi. They lived in Tanzania for three years, but life in the refugee camp is hard. They've returned to Burundi seeking hope for a better future, but is it too soon? 
Voices Child soldier: Agnes' story
Even before her abduction, Agnes’ childhood had already been shaped by war. Millions of South Sudanese children endure chronic hunger in the chaos wrought by violent conflict. They’ve endured illness, gone without schooling, grown up in fear. 

Voices Child soldier: Lionel's story
Lionel became a soldier at age 11. He did it to stay alive. The soldiers who gunned down his terrified community members, killed is parents. Lionel was alone in the world. 

Voices Child soldier: Marie's story
It was evening in Marie’s village in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Supper was finished. Families enjoyed the cool of the evening, lingering around the lantern, laughing and telling stories. Suddenly, gunfire pierced the night. And Marie’s life was split in two.  

In the News 10 of the most dangerous places to be a child
Being a kid should be magical, filled with wonder, adventure and fun. But for millions of children living in the world’s most dangerous places, childhood is often the first thing to go. 
Change Makers A force to be reckoned with: Sarafina’s Story
One young girl whose broken past inspired her bright future.
Change Makers More than enough: How one child sponsorship helps a whole community
Because of World Vision’s community-focused solutions, for every child you help, four more children benefit, too. Debby and her friends are all benefiting thanks to the fact that she’s sponsored.
From the Field This 25-year-old #girlboss is saving babies’ lives
Seeing first-hand the positive change that community midwives bring to their communities, I have a deep appreciation for the work of Born on Time in bringing valuable training to women like Mahlet.
From the Field Bringing back the spark: Make healthy children a priority
When the children arrive at the refugee camp in Uganda from their native South Sudan, they’re sick and frail. This was how 27-year-old Rose arrived with her three children after a week on foot.
From the Field Afternoon coffee with Ejigayehu
The aroma rising from the pan is something the world's fanciest coffee shops can't touch. It's the scent of roasting coffee beans, plucked by Ejigayehu's own hands, reminding us that a hunger-free world is possible.
From the Field Having lunch amongst the trees with Debabash
Just a few years ago, this hilltop was bare and barren. Debabash's life was vastly affected by the deforestation in her area. Now, Deb is a park ranger who is cultivating and growing the forest above her home.
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