Parents learn the value of health centres
Parents in the Sategui Plains community have learned the importance of their local health centres.
Making health a priority for Konseguela’s women and children
Hundreds of women took hold of their education by learning how to care for themselves and their children while pregnant and breastfeeding.
Valentina hears her mother’s voice for the first time
Imagine being without one of your five senses. Valentina, deaf from birth, hears for the first time with the help of hearing aids.
Nurse Alice of Galliness
Alice’s nursing career led her to the child health centre where World Vision works. With the new equipment, she has everything she needs.
Change Makers An honest talk about Mother’s Day, and how you can make it count
As a mother myself, I can tell you that I don’t need bubble bath, a box of chocolates or any more candles. But I would love to know that another mother’s life has been changed, even just a little, because of me. And that’s why I’m asking you to consider honouring a woman in your life this Mother’s Day, by helping a mother in need.
From the Field 17 reasons to hope in 2017
Hope shines a light in the darkness. It’s infectious, even healing. But what is there to be hopeful for? Let’s look at the year ahead with 17 reasons to have hope in 2017.
Hunted by Hunger
Almost three months ago she and her family of five were forced to leave their home province due to hunger and drought. Learn more about her story.
Jackline’s goal: Prevent the spread of Ebola
How do you prevent the spread of Ebola across borders? With people like Jackline, a World Vision health worker.
Motivated by Motherhood
In Iraq, women often face challenges finding work. Goran is overcoming the odds to help citizens receive the medicine they need.

Voices Why do the poor have large families?
Learn about the factors behind poor families having large families such as child mortality rates, lack of health services and forced early marriage.
Hunted by Hunger
As drought wreaks havoc in Afghanistan, Gulbibi gently rocks a cradle inside of the small tent she now calls home. 
Khon's troubles have been washed away
In the past, Khon, a 39-year-old father or two from Phonelay, Laos, relied on the local well for water.
Clean water helps protect people from COVID-19 in South Sudan
Because of COVID-19, the need for clean water is even more crucial. Learn more about how World Vision is evolving programming to keep our communities safe.
From the Field Like MANA from heaven
A young mother’s struggle with her malnourished child takes a turn when she meets a World Vision healthcare worker.
From the Field The Magic of a Mom Group
Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes a village to support a new mother.
From the Field Helping instil confidence in new moms
Mary, 27, lives in Kenya and she’s a first-time mom to a baby boy born this past May. Even though caring for baby Festus is new to Mary, she is confident because she’s armed with the right knowledge to help Festus achieve his development and growth milestones.
The garden of promises: how Chansamone feeds her family during COVID-19
Lettuce, chilis, cucumbers, long beans, corns - Chansamone’s garden abounds of fresh and appetizing vegetables. A fence made of cactus protects the rich flora grown with natural, non-chemical fertilizers. A garden that will provide food for her and the 13 members of her household.
In the News Food crisis: is a worldwide food shortage imminent?
Food crises have worsened around the world. If current trends continue, the world will be unable to deliver on its commitment to eradicate hunger by 2030. Learn more.
In the News 8 world-changing solutions to poverty
The World Bank forecast that in 2021, severe poverty would increase to between 143 million and 163 million people. Even here in Canada, poverty rates are on the rise.
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Displaying results 41-59 (of 59)