From the Field Learning positive masculinity: A guide for men everywhere
How do you cultivate a culture of positive masculinity around the world? Learn more about how to redefine what it means to be a man from the MenCare approach.
From the Field The global hunger crisis hinders the right to nutrition for the most vulnerable
The global hunger crisis is pushing the most vulnerable women and children into starvation. See how World Vision is responding.
From the Field These mothers in South Sudan are major Mother’s Day heroes
These mothers in South Sudan are leading the charge on gender equality in their community. Read all about their inspiring story.
From the Field How the Türkiye-Syria earthquakes have worsened the situation in Syria
From mental health to child protection, here is why the Türkiye-Syria earthquakes are a crisis on top of another crisis.
From the Field Protecting the right to education: What you should know
Here are facts and figures about what it takes to protect the right to education and what can be done to make sure all children have quality education.
From the Field Christmas chickens change lives in Cambodia
Giving a chicken for Christmas can go beyond holiday meals. Read more about the impact of chickens on these families in Cambodia.
From the Field These women work in dangerous places—and they love what they do
Storytellers Josephine, Lucy, and Andreea all work in different countries, but share something in a common: a love for humanitarian work.
From the Field The global hunger crisis escalates: The race to save lives
Michael Messenger talks with Rebecca Richards of the World Food Programme about the effect of the conflict in Ukraine on world hunger.
From the Field Healthy masculinity means healthy families
How does healthy masculinity help further gender equality? World Vision’s MenCare program has answers—and evidence for how communities benefit.
From the Field Supporting mental health in the Ukraine conflict
What does it mean to give mental health support during a conflict? Michael Messenger speaks with Melinda, an emergency psychologist on the border of Romania.
From the Field Gender equality: A recipe for success in development programming
What are the ingredients for long-lasting gender equality across the world? Get the breakdown from the experts—we sourced these key strategies from 10 years of programming.
From the Field Preventing premature births is a community effort
On World Prematurity Day, read these stories from World Vision's Born On Time program that show how the work of preventing unhealthy births continues with local communities.
From the Field The many faces of Christmas around the world
Children all over the world celebrate Christmas. Learn more about different Christmas traditions in different countries.
From the Field Humanitarian aid: what you need to know
‘Humanitarian aid’ or ‘humanitarian assistance’ is emergency help for people in some of the world’s most desperate situations. Learn how you can support relief efforts.
From the Field 5 green solutions to help the world’s most vulnerable cope with climate change
The world’s most vulnerable countries contribute very little to climate change, yet they often pay the highest price. Here are 5 green solutions to help the poor cope with climate change.
From the Field Empowering families to prevent the spread of COVID-19
As COVID-19 cases began to spread across Kenya, mom Edith became concerned about the impact of the disease on herself, her four children and her unborn baby.
From the Field Why giving a goat is still important this Christmas
Looking for a simple way to make a difference this Christmas? Give a gift that will help support long-term development and outlast the coronavirus pandemic by many generations.
From the Field Christmas traditions from around the world
Have you wondered how people celebrate Christmas around the world? We wanted to give you a glimpse of different traditions in places like Brazil and Georgia.
From the Field Follow the journey of a gift this Christmas (with a honey bee as your guide!) 
When you donate through the Gift Catalogue, you join a hive of people committed to helping families around the world make their dreams for their children reality.
From the Field Checking in with Cover Girl Bethlehem
We caught up with Bethlehem, the little girl who graced the cover of our 2019 Gift Catalogue to find out how she's doing.
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Displaying results 21-40 (of 151)