From the Field A father's love: fighting gender discrimination in India
In India, a father is one of the biggest advocates a girl can have.
From the Field 17 reasons to hope in 2017
Hope shines a light in the darkness. It’s infectious, even healing. But what is there to be hopeful for? Let’s look at the year ahead with 17 reasons to have hope in 2017.
From the Field See how children celebrate Christmas around the world

Learn how Christmas is celebrated around the world! Read about joy and traditions from Ethiopia, Colombia, Bangladesh and more. 

From the Field Blanket of warmth
Odiille's old blanket wasn't keeping her warm during cold nights, so Canadian donors shared their warmth with a new blanket through Gift-in-Kind.
From the Field Prarthana’s wish: story of a young teacher
Prathana (13) gives her time and skills reading to children in her neighbourhood, to help improve their reading skills and provide mentorship.
From the Field One stitch at a time
Yupida empowers six other women to join her in a new business endeavour, while their husbands give their time to take over household duties.
From the Field Generosity runs in the family
Two sisters training for the 100-metre dash barefoot, now train with proper equipment thanks to a gift delivered by World Vision.
From the Field Strength in heroic kindness
Hamza's dark and violent war stories are transformed into stories of kindness when his teachers at the early childhood education centre show him what it means to belong.
From the Field These Christmas gifts are human rights

This Human Rights Day, we're reflecting on a few gifts that offer hope for a better future, and can impact the lives of children and families forever.

From the Field Latrines help restore dignity for girls like Nimco

13-year-old Nimco lives in the Baki district of northwestern Somalia, an area of the country that’s been devastated by years of civil war. Her village had a serious shortage of latrines. Until recently, 70 per cent of people were relieving themselves outside, causing sanitation issues that led to sickness and even death.

From the Field Goats empower families out of poverty in Tanzania

We all gathered under a large Baobab tree in the community of Manonga, Tanzania. It seemed as though the whole community had come out to see us and share the progress they had made with their irrigation project.

From the Field Christmas sheep help families thrive in Mongolia
Dulamsuren is a 12 year-old girl in Mongolia. She lives with her family in this house, called a ger. A few winters ago, a blizzard devastated her father's herd of sheep and goats. 
From the Field Encounters with generosity
A first-hand account of one Ghanaian community's generosity by Cindy Cook-Leamen, who is a Child Sponsorship Ambassador.
From the Field These gifts transformed Rosemary's family

It all started when Rosemary's grandfather Danford received five goats in 2011. "Here comes the freedom," Danford said he told himself.

From the Field Child friendly spaces help kids learn to be kids again

Children like Hamaad, Manal, Ahmed, Aman and Raqwa* have been through more terror before the age of 14 than most Canadians will endure in a lifetime. In fact, Iraq is now home to 3.3 million internally displaced people and 8.4 million people in need.

From the Field Video: Inside a refugee camp in Iraq

With the military offensive approaching Mosul, Iraq, scores of children and their families from outlying villages are already fleeing to an overcrowded Camp near Erbil in northern Iraq.

From the Field In Haiti, a goat can equal financial security
What does financial security look like for you? Money in the bank? Good investments? To my great surprise I found that in Haiti, financial security can look a lot like a goat.
From the Field A world of classrooms

As Canadian children get ready for back-to-school next week, they’re joining millions of children who are learning all around the world. Some study in school buildings with desks and chalkboards. Others learn under a tree, on a mountaintop, or in a refugee camp.  

From the Field Canadian children welcome Syrian refugees to Canada

In case you missed it, this is our most-viewed video ever!

From the Field Providing access to clean water in North Korea

Recently, I returned from North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, where I had the opportunity to visit some of World Vision’s alternative energy water projects. 

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Displaying results 101-120 (of 151)